recipe organization/ Evernote

Is there any way to organize recipes on Evernote so that they are separated by categories or in separate folders as opposed to having them all listed as "notes" according to the order in which tehy were saved?

  • Posted by: ATG117
  • November 9, 2011


ellenl November 10, 2011
susan G. November 10, 2011
I do something similar with Simple and useful. You can also see other people's saved items (if they permit). Some of the blogs I read share their Delicious accounts... interesting.
lapadia November 10, 2011
Thanks susan g, will check that link out, too!
Esther P. November 10, 2011
Evernote is fab! It's a free tool that lets you organise stuff you've seen on web pages - its like your computer/I pads version of a folder of magazine clippings! If you're always coming across recipes you like the look of, but don't want to make them right now, and also know you'll never find it again, then Evernote is for you! Highlight the article, click copy, go to Evernote (it'll be on a toolbar, or as a separate app) then click paste! You can add tags to help you find the recipe and sort your notes into notebooks... It'll keep it like a clipping from a magazine, but you can also return to the original web link from your stored "note" too. You can access your evernote account from your smart phone etc too, so if you're feeling really clever (it's beyond me, but I know it can be done...) you can access your note/ recipe with your phone to pick up the ingredients, and then use your I pad in th kitchen to make the dish. I'm a big fan- its quick simple easy to use- even for a techno phobe like me!
lapadia November 10, 2011
Thanks for answering Esther Plume! Yes, sounds like a cool tool, indeed. Will have to check it out. I have just copied an dpasted to a file on my harddrive, Never checked into anything else.
sdebrango November 10, 2011
Yes thats correct Esther, I create notebooks that contain dessert recipes, appetizers etc... Its a wonderful tool.
lapadia November 10, 2011
HUH? I don't know what this notebook or Evernote is all about?? what am I missing?
Esther P. November 10, 2011
I've looked some more... You should also be able to create different notebooks for your recipes too- my main interests are crafts and food, so I have two notebooks (not that I'm that good at shifting things into them...) one for each interest. You could have notebooks for savoury, sweet, cake, drink, holiday recipes etc,to help break them up a bit.
Esther P. November 10, 2011
You can tag your recipes with words (chocolate, cake, ganache for example) and then evernotecansort your recipes by the individual tags that you've put on them. I think it means that theyll appear under all the category tags you give them, so if you've got a cheddar and apple turnover in your Evernote collection, and you've tagged it with both cheese and apple, it hold turn up in both of those lists... Hth
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