I am gluten free and need suggestions for switching non gluten flours for baked goods recipes.

I just recently discovered that I need to go gluten free, so I need suggestions for switching cookie and other baked goods recipes into non gluten. I started a few years ago trying to replace some of the regular flours to oat flour... but it does't work so much for all of the recipes. I have heard brown rice flour and other non gluten flours... does anyone have tried and true methods for switching? thank you!

a Whole Foods Market Customer


wssmom November 30, 2011
Syronai's advice is spot on. A mixture of heavier weight gluten-free flours and lighter gluten-free flours works best, my "go-to" combo is 1/2 cup brown rice flour, 1/3 cup millet flour and 1/4 cup tapioca starch with 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum. Thomas Keller has also developed a gluten-free all-purpose flour that is available at Williams-Sonoma (cup4cup) and I have used King Arthur all-purpose gluten free flour with success as well. Good luck!
beyondcelery November 30, 2011
My method is this, for every 1 cup regular all-purpose flour: 1/2 cup sweet rice flour, 1/2 cup brown rice or sorghum or millet or quinoa or (gluten-free!) oat flour, 2-4 Tbls tapioca starch. It doesn't work perfectly every single time, but it'll work for most regular cookie and quick bread recipes. It's a really good idea to buy a kitchen scale if you don't already have one and start baking by grams. When you replace regular flour with gluten-free flours using weight instead of volume, you'll get better results. (For example, 125g or 1 cup all-purpose flour becomes 50g sweet rice flour, 50g brown rice flour, and 25g tapioca starch.)

You can also find some great gluten-free recipes on Food52 if you search "gluten-free." Check out my blog for other good recipes: beyondcelery.com.
I make a version of these once a week, for breakfasts: http://beyondcelery.blogspot.com/2011/07/raspberry-multigrain-muffins.html.

Also check out: http://glutenfreegirl.com/. Shauna writes a lot about gluten-free flour ratios and she really knows her stuff.

Feel free to direct message me if you have any questions or would like help converting specific recipes. I've been gluten-free for 10 years, I'm working on starting my own gluten-free cafe, and I love helping people get started with gluten-free. You're not alone!
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