TKSpring GardeningTK

Bring The Outdoors In

Photo by Alpha Smoot

You're doing it! You bought a tiny, leggy plant! It's happening! A garden! So... Now what?

Hang in there. Is gardening a commitment, a project? Yes. As gardening maven Marie Viljoen told us, "If you take [your garden] for granted, it's going to go south pretty quickly."

So, stock up: Get the tools you'll need (we have a few good ones) and the tips that will help your plant babies thrive. Now find a sunny windowsill and get growing:


Indoor Herbs

Our self-watering herb planters come with everything you need to start an indoor garden (in about a minute). Just add water.


Growing herbs—whether from seedlings or from seeds—is one of the easiest (and most immediately rewarding!) ways to start gardening: Not only do you not need much, but many herbs grow fast. And then you can "harvest" them and sprinkle them over everything.


Bring the Outdoors in

Photo by Mark Weinberg

Whether or not your garden is roaring, a leafy, handmade wreath will make wherever you hang it (the kitchen! the front stoop! the foyer!) feel fresh and lush. We love these, made by our friends at Creekside Farms, because they look just as good once they've dried as they do when they're fresh.


A Place to Put Down Roots

Photo by Bobbi Lin

Have plant, need a home for it? Start with a vase or planter.


Now for moving day. One of the easiest ways to make and keep your plants happy and healthy (and for perking up a droopy one) is by repotting—that is, removing them from the plastic pot you bought it in, agitating the roots (it's a sort of wake-up call for the plant!), and giving it a new home in a pot.


The Tools for the Job

Your plot's not gonna plant itself—or take care of itself. Watering, pruning, and (the fun part!) harvesting are all part of the deal.


Hands are also helpful; here's how to put them to use keeping those plants as perky as possible.