Gena Hamshaw of the blog Choosing Raw eats a mostly raw, vegan diet without losing time, money, or...
Gena gives tips and menu ideas for entertaining a vegan friend, and also introduces Penne with Sweet...
Gena talks all about hummus, the perfect food for vegans and the busy alike. She's got us covered...
Gena takes a quick look at her own history as a vegan, and the movement as a whole. Plus, two vegan...
We're pleased to announce a new biweekly column from the author of the blog Choosing Raw: Gena Hamshaw...
Asparagus fatigue setting in? Let Nobu relight the fire. You won't even recognize your old friend.
Here's what you encounter when you visit the website for Michael Natkin's new book, Herbivoracious...
The challenge: a four-course dinner menu, entirely plant-based, and appropriately substantial for...
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