Stay at Stove Dad

November 26, 2009

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What's so appealing about John, the blogger behind Stay at Stove Dad (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Kitchen: A Site for Working Fathers Who Cook for Their Families), is that he doesn't glamorize cooking. Sure, he gets immense satisfaction from being the primary meal provider in his house, especially when his daughters try a new food and (shock!) like it, and he certainly turns out some delicious sounding meals himself, but he doesn't wax poetic. He's candid about his failures (apparently there's a good reason that busy New Yorkers rely so heavily upon pizza delivery), but proud of his triumphs (economic ribeye? A stretch, perhaps, but a delicious one). Check him out -- as much for the writing as for the recipes, as they're both a pleasure to read.


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