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February 27, 2012
I've got this in the oven right now and it smells amazing. I can't wait for spring to try it with ramps!
February 26, 2012
After braising leeks for years and making scallion oil for vietnamese dishes I can't believe this never occurred to me. Another great low carb intense flavor side dish. Though, of course my brain says you could also puree and spread on toast or toss with pasta.
February 26, 2012
Love the idea of braised scallions as finger food. Yum. For maximum enjoyment, trim away only the hairy root ends and the thinnest sliver of the bulb. The bottom bulbs are the sweetest, juiciest part of a scallion, so leave them intact as much as possible. I recently made this with fresh dill in place of tarragon, so good. Try any leftovers (if there are such a thing) with eggs. So good.
Kristen M.
February 26, 2012
Thanks for this wonderful recipe, Molly! Yes, by all means, trim as little of the bulb as possible -- to get this shot, I was balancing on my knees, squeezed between an old salvaged chemistry lab table and a dresser in Amanda's bedroom (a.k.a. our photo studio), so I didn't do the best job of that. I'm sure all of you will do better!
February 25, 2012
Scallions don't get enough credit. Now I won't feel bad buying a bunch of scallions just to use one in a recipe! I am longing to own Molly Stevens' books; everything I've read about them has been so inspiring.
February 24, 2012
I totally want to make this but am sad to see she has you lop off those beautiful roots.
At Smorgasburg last summer, a vendor called Saucy by Nature served grilled scallions as a side order to their falafel sandwiches, and THE BEST PART, to my surprise, was the scallion roots! If they are good grilled, I bet they are also good braised. You just have to rinse out all the dirt and they are downright delightful--full of sweet, crunchy, earthy flavor. The most exciting part of the vegetable if you ask me.
At Smorgasburg last summer, a vendor called Saucy by Nature served grilled scallions as a side order to their falafel sandwiches, and THE BEST PART, to my surprise, was the scallion roots! If they are good grilled, I bet they are also good braised. You just have to rinse out all the dirt and they are downright delightful--full of sweet, crunchy, earthy flavor. The most exciting part of the vegetable if you ask me.
February 24, 2012
We braise leeks, which are heavenly, so these braised scallions make perfect sense. And oh my, they do look delicious! Thanks so much for posting this. It's definitely on my must try (as in, this weekend) list. ;o)
February 24, 2012
Had no scallions. I used the last-of-the-season leeks, a bunch of spindly pencil-thick castoffs from a box in the cold woodshed. I sliced them in half, length-wise, and gave them the braising treatment. Never has something so delicious come from something so scraggly. Alas, no more leeks. Time to start some more under the grow-lights.
February 24, 2012
You guys REALLY need to bring out a compilation of these genius recipes in a cookbook form! Just when you think It can't get any better, you hit the ball out of the park again...
February 24, 2012
All About Braising is one of my all-time favorite cookbooks, but I've never made this dish. You've inspired me to try it! The pictures above are amazing, by the way -- never have scallions looked so good.
February 24, 2012
In Canada (at least in my neck of the woods), these are called Spring Onions. Are they same?
February 24, 2012
Yay!! I thought we, Indians were the only ones that referred to these as spring onions!!
February 25, 2012
The Danish word, forårsløg, also translates to spring onion, though my Los Angeles family always refers to them as green onions. Either way, they're the same thing and are delicious. I made a batch of David Chang's ginger scallion sauce two weeks ago with two batches of green onions and the stuff is delicious! I've been adding it to a lot of soups, grilled meats, and fried rice dishes. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1985677_1985674_1985659,00.html
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