100 Tips for Cooking Greatness

April  3, 2012

If you ever lose steam in the kitchen, then this landslide of helpful advice from Food Network will pick you right back up. They gathered 100 tips from some of the world's greatest chefs on cooking, baking, grilling, and more.

My favorite is from Grant Achatz: "My general advice to home cooks is that if you think you have added enough salt, double it." Don't miss the slideshow of advice written in each chef's own handwriting.

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100 Greatest Cooking Tips (of all time!) - Food Network

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  • Meatballs&Milkshakes
  • LeBec Fin
    LeBec Fin
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


great tips, lots of things we don't always think about!
LeBec F. April 3, 2012
I found this very interesting. I just finished reading through the whole list , and I copy and pasted all the tips that were new and of use to me- into a word document so i can print it out and refer to it to get the new techniques set in my head. thx much!