The food52 Redesign

December 22, 2009

Many of you have already written to tell us that you like our new design, and to keep us apprised of any glitches -- we really appreciate it! In case you're finding any of the changes confusing, we thought we'd walk you through a few of the major revisions.

1. You may have noticed that the main navigation bar is now right underneath the logo rather than on the left side of the page. We thought this would be more intuitive for most people, and we like that it makes the page look cleaner.

Shop the Story

2. In order to better organize all of the information about the recipe contests, we added a contest module to the top right corner of the home page; by toggling back and forth between the tabs, you can submit a recipe to a contest, vote on current finalists and see the latest winners.

3. There is a slightly different blog format on the home page: shorter blurbs and a tighter structure mean we can get more information on the page so that you can see more. In addition, we're giving the photo slideshows a more prominent positions right below the featured item in the top left corner, and above the rest of the blog content.

Please let us know what you think of the changes (we welcome suggestions) in the comments section of this blog post. We love hearing from you!


See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • Kelsey Banfield
    Kelsey Banfield
  • AntoniaJames
  • shayma
  • Merrill Stubbs
    Merrill Stubbs
  • Amanda Hesser
    Amanda Hesser
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


Kelsey B. December 22, 2009
The redesign is great! And, I agree with Antonia, I also noticed that the purple utensil was missing. I liked it!
AntoniaJames December 22, 2009
Love the new look overall and the design/layour, but I miss the purple element in the header. I really do. Maybe you could use another color, or maybe the same green color, but with greater saturation? It was one of the first things I noticed about the GUI. Given the time-related theme, it's a brilliant, inventive touch. ;o)
Merrill S. December 22, 2009
I like the idea of using a more saturated version of the green color. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Amanda H. December 24, 2009
I like this idea, too. Would maintain the harmony of the logo colors. But would love to hear some more thoughts on the matter.
shayma December 22, 2009
the new 'facade' is really beautiful. the navigation bar under the header is a wonderful idea. it would be nice to be able to edit our email addresses from our profile if possible. happy hols! x