Grating Gets Serious

July 12, 2012

By now, you’ve likely had your fair share of puns about grating. Which is why today, we bring you a new angle on the subject: distinctly unfunny, straightforward, and even a little genius. This is where grating gets serious.

Bon Appetit lets us in on a few uses for our grater that we probably haven’t thought of, including grating tomatoes (even if turning heirlooms into pulp feels a little blasphemous), and charcoal (do this tonight - we don’t care if you have to steal a piece from your neighbor’s grill). This should keep you and your microplane busy for a while.

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11 Things You Didn't Know Were Great to Grate from Bon Appetit

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Kenzi Wilbur

Written by: Kenzi Wilbur

I have a thing for most foods topped with a fried egg, a strange disdain for overly soupy tomato sauce, and I can never make it home without ripping off the end of a newly-bought baguette. I like spoons very much.