Food52 Life

What People Are Saying on Twitter and Elsewhere

July 20, 2009

"Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs make a great Laurel and Hardy in the kitchen -- and I totally mean that in good way. Can't wait to see more." -chefgwen

"[Amanda Hesser's] new food site looks kind of brilliant." -Jane Black of the Washington Post (via Twitter)

"Great concept! Can't wait for the launch." -The Thrifty Gourmet (via Twitter)

"Really digging the crowdsourced recipe concept of @food52. Can't wait to see what users contribute." -CSMcBride (via Twitter)

"Everyone, check out @food52, @amandahesser's newest awesome project. Can't wait to see it in action!" -The Naptime Chef (via Twitter)

"Are you following @food52, @amandahesser and @merrillstubbs? You should!" -bonnevivante (via Twitter)


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Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.