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Food Crossword #3

April 26, 2010

Here's the third bi-weekly food crossword by Michele Humes. We'll post the answers on Monday, and to anyone who finishes before then, we want to hear from you in the comments section!

You can do the puzzle online by clicking here or download a printable pdf.

UPDATE: Go here for the solution to the puzzle.

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Michele Humes lives in Brooklyn and writes about food. She keeps two rabbits, Peanut and Brodsky, who double as disposal units for a variety of vegetable trimmings. Follow her on Twitter: michelehumes

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  • csheago
  • Savour
  • ornithophagus
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    Amanda Hesser
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


csheago April 24, 2010
where can I retrieve #1 and #2? This is a fantastic idea.
Amanda H. April 24, 2010
Here are links to them (you'll need to cut and paste -- sorry!)
Savour April 23, 2010
This was fun!
ornithophagus April 23, 2010
Terrific! [32-Across], I [31-Across] these [15-Across] puzzles. [50-Down], it was no piece of [59-Across], and while occasionally [1-Across], I did not [37-Across]. Never heard of [47-Across] or [25-Across] ([54-Across]!). Keep up the [12-Down]!
Amanda H. April 23, 2010
Clever comment!