
Your Photos: All Things Green

December  5, 2013

It's holiday season, which means you have a lot of cookies in your future -- a lot of roasts and puddings and pies, too. But holiday eating is a marathon, not a sprint, and pacing is of the utmost importance. There's no better way to prepare yourself for the casseroles, the peppermint bark, and the eggnog to come than by eating the freshest, greenest foods you can find.

Even though it's winter and pea season is a distant memory, you've had no trouble gathering the season's greens this week. Your Instagram photos have us feeling refreshed already: 

      Clockwise from top left, these 'grams come from: threelittlehalvestheroamingkitchenkaycapv, and whenlifegivesyousprinkles.

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      Clockwise from top left, these 'grams come from: charlotteparler, thefatradish, lindahyldal, and catslavery.

Want to get in on the fun? Keep an eye out for our next #F52Grams theme tomorrow -- and be sure to follow us on Instagram, too. 

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I used to work at Food52. I'm probably the person who picked all of the cookie dough out of the cookie dough ice cream.