
Asian (Soy and Citrus) Glazed Chicken Thighs

April  6, 2013
0 Ratings
  • Serves 3-4 (or 2 with leftovers) when served with rice
Author Notes

One of those "put it together while the rice cooks, the dishwasher gets unloaded, and the table gets set" dishes with a rich, dark caramel flavor that's brightened by green onions and citrus. —Muttersome

What You'll Need
  • 4-5 chicken thighs, bone-in and skin-on
  • 1/3 cup soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 dash black pepper
  • juice of one orange
  • juice of half a lime
  • 2 stalks of green onions
  1. Place the chicken in a bowl and add the soy sauce, ground ginger, black pepper, orange juice, and lime juice. Stir it all around to coat. You could whisk the marinade separately and then pour it over the chicken, but I didn't. The chicken can sit in the marinade at room temperature for ten minutes (as it did when I made this) or you could refrigerate it for later.
  2. While the chicken marinates, put away all the spices and wash your green onions. Get out a heavy bottomed skillet and place it over medium-high heat. Add enough oil to the pan to coat the bottom (I used olive oil, but vegetable or canola oil should work just as well).
  3. When the oil is shimmery, (carefully!) add the chicken pieces to the pan, skin side down. Pour the rest of the marinade over the chicken and cover the pan (It will be spitting a bit).
  4. After two or three minutes, reduce the heat to medium-low and turn the chicken. The skin should be nice and browned and the sauce will be bubbling. Replace the cover.
  5. While the chicken cooks, chop the green onions and set aside. You can use the white parts as well as the green. If using a rice cooker, this is when I'd put the rice in and start it cooking.
  6. Cook the chicken about 20-25 minutes, turning every once in a while to prevent burning, until the chicken is cooked through. I usually cut into the chicken to see if it is still pink in the middle and end up splitting the thighs into smaller pieces.
  7. Once the chicken is fully cooked, remove it to a platter or bowl. If your chicken is anything like mine, there won't be anything left in the pan except a layer of chicken fat (no marinade or anything). The chicken should be burnished a nice caramel-y brown from the sauce.
  8. Scatter the green onions on top - this dish really needs the green onions to pep it up. Serve with rice and some kind of steamed vegetable (anything you want, really).

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  • Muttersome
  • ankit
  • CookedGoose

6 Reviews

Muttersome March 13, 2014
CookedGoose, I used ground ginger because that's what I had on hand. I usually keep ginger in the freezer but it had withered. As I mentioned in the recipe there isn't really a "sauce," more of a glaze on the chicken. I think your juice and brown sugar idea for a sauce sounds delicious though, and if you try it I'd love to hear how it turned out.
CookedGoose March 10, 2014
Made this last night. Meh.
If you have it, fresh ginger would make a big difference in this. My soy-sauce loving family thought it was too much soy flavor, and wanted more sauce with the chicken if the flavor was corrected.
If I were to try this again, I'd add more juice, garlic, olive oil and some brown sugar to the marinade and make more of it, allowing it to cook down. I'd cook the meat separately, and cook the reduced marinade & meat together just before serving, and serve with brown rice and steamed broccoli.
Muttersome March 13, 2014
Oops, I replied to your comment above instead of clicking the arrow. Fresh ginger would definitely help the flavors pop.
CookedGoose March 9, 2014
Curious about the ginger; is powdered ginger recommended for convenience?
ankit March 2, 2014
I tried out the recipe, it came out to be spectacular. What really got me was the least amount of preparation for this dish and yet so good taste. Thanks for the recipe
Muttersome March 3, 2014
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the comment.