Is the Psyllium husk necessary or can it be left out?

  • Posted by: Jess
  • June 11, 2014


Jotika October 18, 2021
Hi! Believe it or not I think I have all the ingredients EXCEPT for flax seeds, I have flax meal-- will that work ?
Thanks 🙏
Pieter January 5, 2020
I substitute roughly ground flax seeds for the oatmeal leaving out the psyllium and find that binds just as well... perhaps adding bit more water or an egg?
but flax seeds are great gluey binders - need to set overnight and need more water...
ChefJune June 11, 2014
I was curious about that too, Kristen. I have a sensitivity to psyllium, so I guess I won't be making this bread. too bad. it looks so good.
HalfPint June 11, 2014
Psyllium is the 'glue' for this bread. If you leave it out, the bread will crumble into little bits. You can get it in drugstores and supermarkets too. I believe FiberSmart and Metamucil have an unflavored version that you can use. Look for fiber supplements that are 100% psyllium husks and unflavored.
Kristen M. June 11, 2014
You'll need the psyllium seed husks for this recipe, but they're easy to find at health food stores (check with the vitamins and supplements) or online.
HalfPint June 11, 2014
@Kristen, I wonder if you could skip the water and use cooked oatmeal to bind the other ingredients (including the rolled oats) together, instead of using psyllium.
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