Can this be made the day before? My schedule will be unusually tight on the evening we'll be eating this -- currently, the tribe is planning an 11...

... mile hike that day, with the trailhead over two hours away! ;o



drbabs November 21, 2014
How far ahead? At the end of the recipe she says to let it cool completely and then reheat before serving, so I think if you made it the day before you'd be fine. (I think I'm going to try this one, too--it sounds great.) Oh, and an 11 mile hike on Thanksgiving? You rock, AJ.
AntoniaJames November 22, 2014
Thanks, drbabs. I've actually been training for this one, though I keep telling myself it's going to be easy . . . compared to the 11 miles + (each way) with backpacks for overnight camping and 4,000 ft elevation gain on the first day, which is what we did to celebrate a big birthday for Mr T a few years ago. This week we'll be taking as fuel your chocolate slice and bake almond cookies, by the way. ;o)
drbabs November 22, 2014
I'm honored! I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
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