I aciddentally added to much vegetable oil to cookies, and mixed it in what can i do to save the cookies

  • Posted by: Ashley
  • January 9, 2015


Sydney K. February 14, 2019
I accidentally added 2/3 cup oil when it called for 1/3 cup. The only thing I could do to save my cookies which had turned into one thin sheet of cookie, was use a cookie cutter to remove enough pieces that it was edible.
Baketress January 10, 2015
Nothing. Just bake them. Eat. Bake another batch

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Katzen January 9, 2015
I'd suggest adding more flour, until the dough is at the right consistency. Of course, the other option is to increase the recipe to the quantity of other ingredients that corresponds to the amount of oil you added - so if the recipe asked for 1/2 cup of oil, and you added 1 cup, double it. You can always roll the dough into a long roll, and defrost and slice the dough next time you want cookies!
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