What spices goes into Fajita spice mixture?

What spices goes into Fajita spice mixture other than Chili powder, Garlic powder, ground Cumin, ground Pepper & Salt? Seen variations which includes Cornstarch, Cayenne, Onion powder, Paprika, Sugar and Oregano. Can anyone please list the right ingredients and measurements? Thank you!

  • Posted by: Eric
  • September 27, 2017


Eric October 2, 2017
Thanks a bunch! Much appreciated :)
Eric October 1, 2017
Thank you Lisanne. Now I understand the basic spices that goes into Fajita spice mixture - Chili powder, Garlic powder, ground Cumin, ground Pepper & Salt.

Are these ingredients Cornstarch, Cayenne, Onion powder, Paprika, Sugar and Oregano add-ons?

Many thanks!
creamtea October 1, 2017
Sounds like the ingredients in a pre-mixed packet. Oregano would make sense, onion powder too. Cornstarch is probably there to make a coating that protects the chicken cutlet from direct heat. But, you could also try briefly marinating in a lime-juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, and fresh minced garlic marinade for maybe half an hour; you could spice it up with a little optional chili powder, cumin and oregano. Lift out of the marinade and pat dry with paper towels, then "grill" on a ridged grill pan, then slice.
Something I've been doing lately when I have leftover, cooked chicken that is similar, now that I think about it: Sauté sliced red bell pepper in olive oil in a large nonstick pan, after a couple minutes add sliced onion. When they are translucent, add cooked chicken, taken off the bone and shredded, to the mixture, just to warm it. Add the seasonings mentioned above (or, just good-quality smoked Spanish paprika), give it a stir to distribute the spices; you can add a couple splashes of water to moisten it, cook it a few minutes longer to reduce the water and concentrate the flavors. You could serve that in warmed tortillas. My family loves this, even when it's leftovers. Easy and delicious.
creamtea September 27, 2017
When I make fajitas I follow a recipe from Gourmet magazine; I don't use any chili-based spice mixture; I marinate the steak for several hours in lime juice, salt and crushed fresh garlic, with maybe some olive oil thrown in. When ready to cook, (since I don't have an outdoor grill) I sear it on a ridged grill pan on top of the stove. I serve with sauteéd red and green bell peppers and onions with warmed flour tortillas, guacamole and fresh salsa. I might include some fresh lime wedges to serve.
creamtea September 28, 2017
oops, I see I didn't read carefully enough and you are making chicken. You can certainly try a spice rub with the spices and herbs you mentioned. Start with a tablespoon or so of chili powder to about 1/2-1 teaspoon of cumin, add 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder, salt and pepper, rub it into cutlets for a dry marinade and let sit about an hour or two (or overnight), refrigerated, cook on a ridged grill pan or a hot iron skillet with about a tablespoon of oil (or grill).
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