Looking for a good Swiss Raclette cheese. Last year I purchased your Raclette melter.

looking for a good Swiss Raclette cheese. Last year I purchased your Raclette melter.



702551 November 14, 2023
Just buy whatever is in your local gourmet grocery store. You won't have a choice of brands, they will only stock one.

Without a doubt there are different quality raclettes being made. It is likely that the best ones are made by smaller dairies that don't have enough production to export their goods. And those who can will likely focus on other European markets (France, Italy, Germany, UK, etc.) first.

This isn't exclusive to raclette (or cheese in general), it is pretty much applicable to all export food products.

Freshness matters, you really want to buy an entire raclette instead of a hunk that has been cut off at some indeterminate time earlier. So pick a store that sells a *LOT* of cheese.

Best of luck.
[email protected] November 14, 2023
Thanks… good information
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