Heat resistant blue handle cover Kees sliding off

The blue handle keeps sliding off causing potentially dangerous burn situations not mentioning ruined turned out omelets. I have washed vigorously with Dish soap, vinegar and scalding hot water to no avail. How can I get the handle to stay in place ?

Robert Farnlof
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Nancy May 8, 2024
If/as the heat resistant sleeve doesn’t stay on, it becomes a danger itself.
Is it perhaps the wrong size, or stretched out after being used a while?
If the suggestion from 702551 doesn’t work, consider getting a new, better fitting heat resistant sleeve.
Or discarding the current one and using a good oven mitt or thick dish towel to handle the frying pan when hot.
702551 May 8, 2024
My first thought was to use some cotton twine to secure the blue grip to the metal handle where the hanging loop is.

I've attached an edited photo. I'd try the green area first (at the end) and maybe the two red areas (laterally). I'd loop the twine around several times for more strength. That should prevent the blue grip from sliding completely off.

Use cotton twine instead of synthetic like nylon since the latter may melt from the handle's heat.

Best of luck.
702551 May 8, 2024
Hmmm, photo did not show up properly. Trying again.
Robert F. May 10, 2024
Thank you I’ll try this
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