
Triple-Perfect Flourless Chocolate-Espresso Cake

April 16, 2011
1 Ratings
  • Serves 12-16
Author Notes

I love the idea of a flourless cake and have seen a few versions - separating the eggs, beating the whites into peaks and then folding into an egg yolk mixture. I have tried that but have to admit I don’t like extra the time it takes. One day I ran across a bittersweet chocolate flourless recipe from “A Mingling of Tastes” skipping the separation of eggs…perfect! This method gives a dense cake…perfect again! I modified that recipe using dark Swiss chocolate and added some instant Espresso powder - espresso and chocolate = a great combo. I then skipped their ganache topping and opted for a rustic looking cake topped with homemade vanilla ice cream, fresh raspberry sauce and a drizzle of chocolate syrup…triple-perfect! WARNING…this cake is decadent! —lapadia

  • INGREDIENTS - for one 9-inch spring form
  • 1 tablespoon instant Espresso (Medaglia D' Oro) powder
  • 2/3 C plus 1 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons natural unsweetened cocoa
  • a pinch of sea salt
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter
  • 9 oz. dark Swiss chocolate 70% (I like Trader Joe’s)
  • Buttery cooking spray
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line the base of a 9-inch spring form pan with parchment paper, cut to fit the pan. Prepare the parchment and the sides of the pan with butter cooking spray.
  2. Combine the espresso, sugar, cocoa and salt in a large bowl. Whisk the eggs and vanilla, add to the sugar mixture and stir to combine. Let sit until needed.
  3. In a microwavable bowl melt the butter and chocolate, 20-30 seconds at a time on medium-high power. Whisk the mixture in between cycles until completely melted, then stir with a spatula to combine completely. OR...melt this mixture using your preferred method.
  4. Add the chocolate-butter mixture to the sugar-egg mixture with a spatula - folding in and then stir to completely combine. Batter will be semi-thick and smooth.
  5. Pour into the prepared spring form and bake for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Caution - I have never had a spring form leak while baking, but I place it on a cookie sheet anyway. The cake will be firm and pulling away from the sides of the pan.
  6. Cool completely in the spring form on a rack, the middle usually sinks a bit. Release the sides of the spring form.
  7. Slide the cake - with parchment paper onto a serving platter, note: if the cake has settled enough you could peel the parchment off the bottom.
  8. Slice and serve with ice cream, a fruit sauce topping of choice and a drizzle of chocolate sauce.
  9. * I usually make this cake the morning of, but have made it and refrigerated overnight - the parchment will peel off the bottom very easily if you refrigerate...a longer sit = a denser cake. This cake refrigerates nicely for 2-3 days.

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30 Reviews

barbara0621 April 9, 2012
Great cake and I loved not having to separate the eggs.
lapadia April 9, 2012
Hi barbara0621, So happy this recipe worked for you! and "just say NO" to separating the eggs if you can get away with it :)
Betsy February 14, 2012
This is fantastic! I made it for our Valentine's Day dessert and served it with Lizthechef's "Ina's Raspberry Sauce - Dare I Say It, Improved." A delicious dessert!
lapadia February 14, 2012
Hey thanks for reporting back, Am thrilled it all worked out for your V-Day dessert...and it is great to know that Lizthechef's sauce is just a click away :)
nannydeb April 19, 2011
This sounds delicious! I bet the espresso would keep a dinner party humming!
lapadia April 19, 2011
Thanks, nannydeb! Speaking of keeping the dinner party humming, hmmm, then there are those who must have their cup of coffee with dessert, too! :)
gingerroot April 19, 2011
I've had my eye on this all week! I love a good flourless chocolate cake and your version sounds amazing!! I will definitely be trying this soon.
lapadia April 19, 2011
Thanks & Sounds great, gingerroot...let me know how you and your family like it!
susan G. April 17, 2011
Your method is so doable, and the changes you made to it are all upgrades. Hmm, (celiac) husband's birthday is coming soon -- he who believes that chocolate heals all, and coffee's not far behind. May 24th can't come too soon!
lapadia April 17, 2011
Thanks, susan g! Sounds like a great plan for your husband's BD...hope you both enjoy it as much as we do!
Sagegreen April 17, 2011
This looks so good!
lapadia April 17, 2011
Thanks, Sagegreen! You definately get a chocolate "fix" after a slice of this cake...
healthierkitchen April 16, 2011
Sounds delicious - printing this to make for Passover! How far ahead do you think I can make it?
lapadia April 16, 2011
Thanks, hk! I usually make this the morning of, but have made it the day before, leftovers store in the fridge nicely for 2-3 days.
lapadia April 17, 2011
Hi hk, FYI - I tweaked the salt and sugar ...just a little bit from what you read.
healthierkitchen April 17, 2011
Thanks lapadia!
testkitchenette April 16, 2011
I am leaving for a week vacation with my sister to the Bahamas without my husband, making this cake may make him a little less resentful of my basking in the sun while he is not.
lapadia April 16, 2011
Bahamas...I'm jealous, but have a great time! Yes this cake might help take your husband's mind off of being home. Your cake sounds great, too!
inpatskitchen April 16, 2011
Just beautiful!!
lapadia April 16, 2011
Thanks, inpatskitchen! Let me know if you try it!
ellenl April 16, 2011
Thanks so much. I also love flourless choc. cake and feel as you do about the egg whites. Now I can return to making it !
lapadia April 16, 2011
Thanks, ellenl, would love feedback if you make it...
nogaga April 16, 2011
This looks magnificent!
lapadia April 16, 2011
Thanks, nogaga, hope you get a chance to try it!
drbabs April 16, 2011
lapadia April 16, 2011
Thanks, drbabs!
hardlikearmour April 16, 2011
Yum! You either stay up ridiculously late or get up insanely early!
lapadia April 16, 2011
Thanks, hla! You are right about my hours, I worked in operations (nights) for so long...
wssmom April 16, 2011
lapadia April 16, 2011
Thanks, wssmom! This is a crowd pleaser...