Make Ahead

Peach Butter with Lemon Verbena

June  2, 2011
2 Ratings
  • Prep time 2 hours
  • Cook time 1 hour
  • Serves 9 half pint jars
Author Notes

This is the remains of my big box of peaches from last weekend - I am dedicating this recipe to AntoniaJames who suggested I try leaving the peel on my peaches which saved me OODLES of time and I love her for that! I was going to call it Peels On Wheels Off Peach Butter but that's just silly. Also my first time using my new lemon verbena plant - everyone should go get one and plant it right now, immediately. —aargersi

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  • 12 cups chopped pitted peaches - no need to peel! Hallelujah!
  • 12 ounces guava juice (I had this on hand and I think it adds a subtle something but you could use apple juice instead or peach juice I guess!)
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • juice from 1 large lime (not a key lime)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 12 leaves of lemon verbena
  1. Sterilize you jars and get the equipment ready if canning
  2. Put the peaches and guava juice and citrus juice in a large heavy pot and bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and simmer until the peaches are tender. Add the sugar and honey and bring it back to a boil. Turn the heat off and use your immersion blender to puree the mixture. It is going to be pretty thin.
  3. Now you simmer, stir and thicken the butter. The time will vary depending how thick you'd like it and how high your heat - don't scorch it! Stir and simmer - mine took a little over an hour. Remember it will thicken up a little more after it cools. Puree again until the mixture is silky smooth. Reduce further if you want to.
  4. When you have the desired thickness / smoothness, turn off the heat and puree in the verbena.
  5. You can freeze this, eat all of it immediately, or ladle it into jars for canning. If canning you need to wipe the rims, seat the tops, secure the rings and boil for 10 minutes, remove from the pot then let them sit undisturbed until completely cool - at least 12 hours. Check you seals then email your neighbor and tell her you need more labels ;-)

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Recipe by: aargersi

Country living, garden to table cooking, recent beek, rescue all of the dogs, #adoptdontshop

10 Reviews

sdebrango July 17, 2021
Amen and hallelujah to not peeling the peaches and the guava is brilliant!
gingerroot August 9, 2011 the guava in there, this sounds delicious!!
checker June 3, 2011
Oh, peach season! Singing, "it's the most wonderful time of the year..."
lorigoldsby June 2, 2011
A very good friend made me a huge herb planter for my birthday and it has the most beautiful lemon verbena! Thank Antonia for the no-peel technique
hardlikearmour June 2, 2011
Funny, I just bought a lemon verbena plant today! You are truly the master of preserving, this sounds yum-o-licious.
mrslarkin June 2, 2011
Yum. Saltines are the perfect vehicle for this, of which I'd eat a whole sleeve.
aargersi June 2, 2011
I need to get some chevre too ... for in betweeny.
Nan September 8, 2021
Cannot find Lemon Verbena any subs or just leave out :(
aargersi September 8, 2021
Hi Nan, I made a batch with basil this summer and it is wonderful! I feel like lemon thyme would be a great sub as well. We’ve moved and I left my lemon verbena behind 😕
zieker June 2, 2011
Design services for delicious samples. This is working out VERY well. More labels for you this afternoon. :-) I may have to make another batch of cream scones to go with these latest concoctions. YUM!