Serves a Crowd

Rose-Scented Gelato-White Chocolate Bon Bons

June  2, 2011
1 Ratings
  • Makes two or three dozen, depending on the size of your scoop,a and it should be quite small
Author Notes

White chocolate and rose are two of my favorite flavors in almost anything frozen. Here I've separated them. The gelato has been infused with crushed rose petals, and the finished gelato has been scooped into small balls and dipped into melted white chocolate.

I added some cream and a bit more egg to the mix than I usually use because the rose scent is delicate enough that it needs a bit more fat to carry its flavor along.

Use any color of rose you wish. I find, though, that the pink or reddish colors do best.

To give as a gift, get some Chinese take-out boxes from a craft store. Line them with some holiday-themed tissue paper, then line that with plastic wrap. Drop in some bon bons. Close the carton. Tie it with your prettiest ribbon, and stick a sprig of holly or evergreen through it. Remind the recipient to store it in the freezer! —boulangere

  • 12 ounces whole milk
  • Petals from 6 roses (pesticide free!)
  • 5 large egg yolks
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 pinch sea or kosher salt
  • 4 ounces cold heavy cream
  1. Remove the petals from 3 roses. Use your hands to crush them up a bit; enjoy the aroma! Add petals and milk to a stainless pot and bring to a scald over medium-low heat. Remove from heat, cover pot, and allow to steep for 15 minutes.
  2. Separate yolks into a heatproof bowl and whisk them together. Add the sugar in a slow, steady stream, whisking all the while. Pour the milk and rose petals through a sieve set over something from which you can easily pour, like a measuring cup. Discard rose petals. Add hot milk to egg mixture in a very slow, steady stream, whisking continuously. Run a couple of inches of water into your milk-rose pot and set it back on the stove to come to a good simmer (seriously, why use a clean pot for this?). Set you bowl of custard mixture on the pot. Whisk until mixture reaches 175 degrees on an instant-read thermometer. Remove from heat and set into a larger bowl filled with an ice & water bath. Stir now and then until mixture cools to 40 degrees. Remove from ice bath and add cold cream. Immediately transfer to an ice cream freezer and process until quite firm. This step can be done a day in advance. Scrape gelato into a shallow bowl and place in coldest spot in freezer. Allow to freeze until it can be scooped, and balls will hold their shape well.
  3. Before scooping, break up some white coating chocolate (sold in grocery stores as Almond Bark, and in craft stores in bags full of medallion shapes) and place in a heatproof bowl over simmering water to melt. Stir now and then while melting.
  4. Work quickly now! When chocolate is melted, scoop balls of gelato and drop onto a baking sheet lined with parchment (it would be a good idea to set it in the freezer or refrigerator for a few minutes first). When all have been scooped, pick up gelato balls individually and drop into melted chocolate to cover. Lift out immediately, and set on sheet pan. When all have been dipped, return to freezer.
  5. Serve for dessert in small bowls that have been lined with fresh rose petals.

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17 Reviews

Niknud October 26, 2011
Wow. Never used rose in cooking before but am totally inspired!
boulangere October 26, 2011
It's a lovely, light scent/flavor to play around with.
Bevi October 26, 2011
This is incredible. I can think of all sorts of ways to holiday-ize this with various homemade ice cream flavors and decorations.
boulangere October 26, 2011
Alert Webster's - there's a new verb in the land: holidayize! I love it, Bevi! Thank you, I hope you have fun with it.
Bevi October 26, 2011
What a wonderfully delicious idea! I've candied rose petals and put them on frosted cakes with white chocolate based icing, so I know I'd really love this!
boulangere June 6, 2011
I've had a lot of fun with it; hope you do, too.
boulangere June 6, 2011
Oh, I am so glad to hear that! The white chocolate just gilds the lily. I remember you saying you were down to your last rose, but if you have a Whole Foods, or something similar, they have organic flowers. Probably white chocolate, too ; )
boulangere June 2, 2011
I'll have photos up in a bit.
boulangere June 2, 2011
Final photo up.
lorigoldsby June 2, 2011
WOW! Real rose flavor...not rosewater!
boulangere June 2, 2011
wssmom June 2, 2011
Are you kidding me? This is amazing!
boulangere June 2, 2011
Film at 11.
hardlikearmour June 2, 2011
Wow! I have an old-fashioned, very fragrant, pink rose that should be blooming soon, and I'm definitely making this ice cream when it does.
boulangere June 2, 2011
Definitely stick to the pinks. I made once with yellow roses. Something about the yellow pigment and the egg yolks produced a sorbet sort of the color of green eggs. Tasted fine. Would have frightened small children.
boulangere June 2, 2011
I love the smell on my hands after crushing the rose petals!