
Lime Tahina

October 27, 2009
4 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

I was doubting if to post this tahina recipe. You don’t start messing with hummus or tahina just like that, people are very touchy about the subject. This tahina recipe involves, raw tahina (sesamepaste), 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, water and lime juice…….what? No! I did not misspell and you did read it right, I would not start swearing like this without a good reason.
Actually it’s not such a good reason. I was out of lemons but was very much in the mood for tahina, when my eye fell on a nice green lime; laying there all innocent and unaware of its fate in my fruit basket. He ended up with the tahina and guess what, lime and tahina became good friends in my bowl. So before you start calling me names, try it out.
Janneke Verheij

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  • 1 small lime
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 3 heaping tablespoons good quality tahina
  • water
  1. Put the tahina in a bowl, add the lime juice and mix vigorously. The paste will react by becoming thick and light, add some water and mix some more. Keep up this process of adding water and mixing until you get a nice thickness. Tahina should be quiet thin but thick enough so that it doesn’t run of your bread like water. Be aware that if you keep it in the fridge it will become a bit thicker.

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4 Reviews

ninadora January 15, 2011
I sometimes add orange juice in stead of water at the end to smooth and thin it out to serve with roasted carrots or winter squash, very delicious.
Janneke V. October 28, 2009
I never thought about putting tahina in a wrap! I used to be a tahina purist myself but I am going to try more variations with it now. thanks for the tip.
Janneke V. October 28, 2009
I never thought about putting tahina in a wrap! I used to be a tahina purist myself but I am going to try more variations with it now. thanks for the tip.
Kelsey B. October 27, 2009
I love the idea of adding lime to the sesame paste, a nice twist to the usual lemon flavor. This seems very versatile, I would love it as a spread on a wrap, or as a dip.