
Pink Peppercorn-Strawberry Sorbet

July 14, 2011
3 Ratings
Photo by Alpha Smoot
  • Makes 1 quart
Author Notes

Cheers to fellow cooks! A couple of years ago, I was inspired by hardlikearmour's Pink Peppercorn Macerated Strawberries and a generous sampling of peppercorns from AntoniaJames to modify my Himalayan Blackberry Sorbet and make this recipe; this contest is a perfect opportunity to share with the F52 community!

The combination of low-glycemic coconut nectar (see link below) and honey emulsifies nicely, and the alcohol helps the sorbet achieve a silky, soft consistency during the freezing process that holds together beautifully when scooped.

This wild-tasting sorbet makes a cool and refreshing strawberry treat on a hot summer day! —lapadia

Test Kitchen Notes

Really delicious! And perfect timing for strawberry season. The coconut nectar is kind of a pricey substitute for other sweeteners, however the recipe delivers on combining ingredients that might not normally interact with each other. The macerated strawberries would be a great beginning for a jam or preserve, while the pink peppercorns lend a nice savory kick to the sweet strawberries. I'd definitely make this again. —emily olson

  • 1/4 cup coconut nectar - a link to the coconut nectar I like to use:
  • 1/3 cup honey (optional: 1-2 tablespoons more for additional sweetness)
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons crème de cassis
  • 3 cups macerated strawberries (link to them from my head note above)
  1. Per instructions using a Cuisinart Yogurt-Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker, place the freezer bowl into the freezer overnight.
  2. Combine the coconut nectar, honey, water, lemon juice and crème de cassis in a bowl or a container with a handle and spout (you will be pouring out of this container later). Whisk until incorporated. Test the sweetness and adjust to your taste by stirring in extra honey, one tablespoon at a time.
  3. Place the macerated or plain strawberries into a blender with the honey-nectar mixture. Purée until smooth. This will take about 30 seconds, depending on your blender.
  4. Pour this purée back into the bowl or spouted container. Chill the purée in the freezer for about 20 minutes.
  5. Place the freezer bowl and sorbet maker attachments onto the machine and turn on. Stir the purée a couple of times, and then pour it into the freezer bowl and let churn until thickened, about 25 to 30 minutes. The sorbet will have a soft texture at this point.
  6. Cover the sorbet and place the bowl back in the freezer, or transfer to an airtight container and freeze until firmer—if you can wait.
  7. To serve: Place a scoop of sorbet into bowls and sprinkle with crushed pink peppercorns.

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23 Reviews

boulangere June 18, 2015
Well what a delight. Lovely recipe, gorgeous photo, loving review.
lapadia June 18, 2015
Thanks, B! :)
lapadia June 18, 2015
Thanks so much for testing and reviewing my recipe, Emily! Oh, and this recipe was created during the “low glycemic, experimental, period” in my kitchen, at that time many of my recipes used Coconut nectar…enjoyed by all, btw. :)
Jazzball June 23, 2013
What is coconut nectar? Is it the same as coconut water?
lapadia June 23, 2013
Hi there! It is not the water it is a syrupy substance here is a link to the brand I like to buy, thanks for checking out the recipe!
Jazzball June 23, 2013
Thanks! I wouldn't have known. Low GI is always good.
lapadia June 23, 2013
Hi again, I just added an FYI with link in the ingredients list, above :)
hardlikearmour June 4, 2013
I'm glad you entered this! I just had a black pepper panna cotta with strawberries and reduced balsamic at a restaurant, and my immediate thought was "a pink peppercorn panna cotta would be better!"
lapadia June 4, 2013
Yes, go for the pink peppercorn panna cotta and tell us about it!!
AntoniaJames June 3, 2013
On my must-make list for a special event coming up! Love this. ;o)
lapadia June 3, 2013
Thanks, AJ, for the peppercorns and revisiting my recipe, would love feedback!!
drbabs June 3, 2013
Really creative flavor combination!
lapadia June 3, 2013
Thanks drb; a walk on the wild side!
boulangere June 3, 2013
This is the most interesting sorbet I've seen in some time. Nicely done.
lapadia June 3, 2013
Thanks for checking my recipe and for your opinion, too! :)
em-i-lis June 3, 2013
yummy!! and beautiful!
lapadia June 3, 2013
Thanks for your feedback, Em!
AntoniaJames July 15, 2011
My mouth is watering, just looking at the photo of this. Gotta love those pink peppercorns too . . . such a cute little spice, but with attitude!! And they go so well with the strawberries. Now, to run down some coconut nectar . . . . So glad you posted this recipe here. ;o)
lapadia July 15, 2011
Thanks, AJ! I agree a spice with attitude, I'm going to research the possibility of growing a little tree, hmmm, I think I read something about that somewhere.
Sagegreen July 14, 2011
Wow! This looks ahh maze ing!!!
lapadia July 14, 2011
Thanks, Sagegreen. It is definitely refreshing, earthy, mild peppery, yet wild tasting all at the same time!
hardlikearmour July 14, 2011
Awesome! Thanks for the shout-out. I will have to get some coconut nectar.
lapadia July 14, 2011
My pleasure, thanks for the inspiring recipe!