One-Pot Wonders

Salmon en Papillote

July 28, 2011
2 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

I stumbled upon a Groupon yesterday for a great discount at my favorite neighborhood seafood shop and couldn't resist, despite the fact that I knew I'd only have twenty or thirty minutes to make dinner. Baking "en papillote" is one of the quickest and healthiest ways to coax amazing flavor from fish. In this case, the salmon is steamed in moisture both from itself and from a little bit of added white wine. I had a taste for capers, but you could do this with just about anything: fresh herbs, fresh vegetables, wines and/or stocks. I usually serve this fish with rice or couscous, to soak up all the sauce that's created inside the packet. —athaler11

  • 2 salmon fillets (about 1/3 lb each)
  • 4 fresh basil leaves
  • 1 small lemon, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons white wine
  • 2 tablespoons capers
  • salt and pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  2. Cut out 2, 10 x 10 inch squares of aluminum foil
  3. Arrange basil leaves on foil, and place salmon on top
  4. Arrange lemon slices on top of salmon
  5. Combine tomatoes, garlic, wine and capers in small bowl
  6. Distribute evenly between the two pieces of fish
  7. Sprinkle with salt and pepper
  8. Lift sides of foil up and over fish, and fold over at least twice to ensure a tight seal
  9. Place packets on baking sheet and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until fish easily flakes apart with a fork
  10. For this recipe (and more like it!), see

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