5 Ingredients or Fewer

A winter lassi

December 30, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves 1
Author Notes

Usually I use quite a bit of pineapple sage in a lassi during the summer. But this theme inspired me to try a new version with common sage and walnut. With pineapple sage I use between 1/8 and 1/4 cup, but like the subtle addition of about 1/2 tsp. of common sage to the walnuts. —Sagegreen

  • 1 banana, (frozen or else with the addition of a few ice cubes)
  • 3 sage leaves (about 1 inch, enough to make 1/2 tsp.)
  • @1 ounces shelled walnuts
  • 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt (can be gluten free)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of chestnut honey, to taste, or grade B maple syrup as an alternative
  1. The night before freeze the banana, so you will not need any ice cubes to make the lassi. later.
  2. Toast the walnut pieces for about 2 minutes and the sage leaves for about one minute in a heavy pan. Then in a spice or clean coffee grinder, grind them to a powder.
  3. Peel the frozen banana and add to a blender. If you didn't freeze the banana, then just add a few ice cubes to the blender. Combine with the yogurt, sage, walnut, yogurt and honey (or maple syrup). Adjust for sweetness. Pour and enjoy.
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6 Reviews

Kitchen B. January 5, 2012
The Queen of all things 'Lassi'. Have a blessed 2012 - this sounds wonderful!
Sagegreen January 6, 2012
Thank you so much, KB. You, as well!
drbabs January 2, 2012
I love this combination--nice to see you back here!
Sagegreen January 3, 2012
Thanks, drbabs!
hardlikearmour December 30, 2011
This sounds refreshing and healthy - perfect for after the holidays!
Sagegreen December 31, 2011
Thanks, hla. It has a simplicity and complexity all at the same time. Your savory chicken looks mighty tempting.