
Green Smoothie (shh...there's kale in it)

January  5, 2012
0 Ratings
  • Serves 2 as a snack
Author Notes

I love kale, but alas my husband is an avid hater of all things kale, I've tried every thing I can think of to get more of this superfood into our diet. I finally found a way to sneak it in, blending it into oblivion and adding lots of ginger and fruit. The key to this smoothie is to blend for quite a while to make sure the kale is completely incorporated. You can also add pretty much any fruit you have to the base, blueberries (frozen wild) grapefruit and pineapple all work well. I generally serve this with lunch, more as a juice. But you could easily bulk it up by adding kefir or yogurt and some whey protein and turning it into a meal. As the new year begins, it's great have something that's good to eat and good for you. —MGrace

  • Basic Juice Smoothie
  • 1/2 green apple, stem and seeds removed
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1 cup orange or grapefruit juice (or any juice, I've even used coconut water)
  • 1-1/12 cups chopped kale, stems removed
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax
  • 5 ice cubes
  • Optional items to make a smoothie meal
  • 1 cup kefir or yogurt
  • 1-2 scoops whey protein
  1. Toss everything into the blender and blend on high speed for 2-4 minutes (depending on how powerful your blender is) until everything is nicely incorporated.

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2 Reviews

Kathy E. August 2, 2013
very good!
me B. September 22, 2012
This sounds great! I'm adding this to my morning smoothie routine. I have tried kale chips (I'm probably the only person in the world who thinks these are rotten) but find smoothies with kale are soooo much better tasting. The raw aspect and lack of oil compared to kale chips ups the ante for me. I've been using raspberries, mangoes, spinach and other fruit/veggie bases for my smoothies but haven't tried apple. Can't wait to try this version; thank you so much for sharing your recipe!