
Beef Kebabs on FlatĀ Bread

March  1, 2012
0 Ratings
  • Makes at least a dozen
Author Notes

I learned how to make these kebob's years ago from a Persian friend, It's simple to make, very tasty and can either be grilled on the stovetop or on the BBQ. You can serve as featured on warm flat bread or with steamed rice. Either way its delicious. You don't have to use beef, ground lamb is good and you can also use ground turkey.The kebobs are delicious with sumac sprinkled on after grilling, I say it's optional but if you can find it I highly recommend. —sdebrango

  • 2 pounds ground beef (preferably organic grass fed) you can also use ground lamb
  • 1 onion grated on the largest grate and drained of juices
  • 2 egg yolks
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • sumac (optional but highly recommended) to sprinkle on meat after cooking)
  • 2 small cucumbers diced
  • 2 tomatoes diced
  • 1 cup chopped parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried mint
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Grate the onion and drain, I squeezed it in a double paper towel. Put the onion in a mixing bowl, add the beef, egg yolks and some salt and pepper, Mix well. Refrigerate for 1 hour
  2. If you are using bamboo skewers submerge in water while the meat is resting in the refrigerator. Dice the cucumbers, parsley and tomatoes, add the lemon juice and season with mint, salt and pepper. Form meat onto skewers whatever size you want, heat your grill and place meat skewers onto grill. You want the meat cooked medium done. Let grill 3-4 minutes on each side turning over once. Test for doneness, just poke with your finger it should feel firm but not dry.
  3. Remove from heat and tent with foil while you prepare your bread. Grill the bread either on the burner or in a pan, brush with olive oil and lay kebab onto bread, sprinkle with a little sumac (optional) and spoon some of the cucumber and tomato on top.
  4. Suggestions for other garnishes: Crumbled feta cheese, plain yogurt mixed with cucumber and mint.

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I have loved to cook for as long as I can remember, am self taught learning as I go. I come from a large Italian family and food was at the center of almost every gathering. My grandfather made his own wine and I remember the barrels of wine in the cellar of my grandfathers home, I watched my mother and aunts making homemade pasta and remember how wonderful it was to sit down to a truly amazing dinner. Cooking for me is a way to express myself its my creative outlet. I enjoy making all types of food but especially enjoy baking, I live in Brooklyn, NY, and I share my home with my two dogs Izzy and Nando. I like to collect cookbooks and scour magazines and newspapers for recipes. I hope one day to organize them.

4 Reviews

lapadia May 4, 2013
Yes please!
Madhuja April 29, 2013
This looks so good! It reminds me of the kathi rolls that I used to gorge on in India!
AntoniaJames April 29, 2013
So glad to see this one again. Just saved it to my "must try soon" collection. My boys are going to love these! (I can easily see them becoming my new go-to for the grill.) :o)
AntoniaJames March 2, 2012
So appealing! Can't wait to try these. Love the idea of adding crumbled feta as suggested. Great recipe. ;o)