
Fall Fruit Compote Ice Cream

September 29, 2012
0 Ratings
  • Serves 8-10
Author Notes

Fruit is delivered to our office on a weekly basis, and every Friday I always end up with an overabundance of ripe, ready-to-be-cooked fruit. Throwing it away was becoming such a waste, so on Friday I grabbed a couple of the ones that weren't going to make it through the weekend and put them together to create a beautiful, seasonal compote. Then, just to have fun I substituted the compote for the granulated sugar element of my go-to ice cream recipe. Enjoy! —Shalala

  • Fall Fruit Compote
  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 2 Seckel Pears
  • 1/2 Apple
  • 1 Overripe Plum
  • 1 Passionfruit
  • Fall Fruit Compote Ice Cream
  • 1 cup Compote
  • 1 cup Whole Milk
  • 2 cups Heavy Cream
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 1 tablespoon Vanilla
  1. Fall Fruit Compote
  2. Place a strainer over a small metal bowl. Slice open the passionfruit and strain out the seeds so that only the juice is left over. Reserve in a small bowl.
  3. Peal the skin off of the plum, take out its pit, and put the rest of it in a sauce pain.
  4. Chop up the pears and apple, and throw them in the sauce pan along with all of the granulated sugar and the passionfruit juice.
  5. Bring to a boil on medium and let it cook for 10-20 minutes. It should become really watery at first, and then after 10 minutes you will see it thicken. At this point you can either wait (I like mine thicker) or take it off the stove.
  6. Place everything in a food processor and whir it around until it is smooth (should not be more than a few pulses). Let cool. At this point you can keep this as a compote or continue on to use it in ice cream.
  1. Fall Fruit Compote Ice Cream
  2. Make sure your compote is cool.
  3. Whisk together the whole milk, compote, and pinch of salt until they are completely mixed.
  4. Stir in the cream and vanilla.
  5. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to cool in the fridge for 2-3 hours (or preferably overnight).
  6. Mix in your ice cream maker according to the machine's instructions. Enjoy!

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