
Mango and Shrimp Salad

November 29, 2009
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  • Serves 6
Author Notes

I had my family over today for lunch and had everything more or less prepared, except the salad I was going to make as a starter. I had bought some nice fresh big shrimps which I was going to add to the salad. At the last minute I decided to use 2 ripe mangoes I had and I am still thinking how to write a recipe that just flowed, with no notes or recipe as a guideline. Everyone loved it and asked me how I had made it and I took some notes so I could do the sauce again. Let's hope I can repeat it. —Maria Teresa Jorge

  • Mango sauce
  • 1 big ripe mango
  • 1/3 cup Canola Oil
  • 1 lime - juice
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger juice (grate the ginger and then squeeze the juice)
  • 2 teaspoons curry powder
  • Sechuan Pepper
  • salt
  • Shrimps and salad
  • 30 fresh shrimps, skin removed and deveined
  • 3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • salt
  • Sechuan Pepper
  • 2 cups mixed salad
  • salad seasoning
  • 1 small ripe mango cut in little cubes
  • Black Hawaian Salt for garnish
  1. Peel the shrimp and remove the vein. Wash, drain and season with salt and quite a bit of Sechuan Pepper so they are slightly hot.
  2. Wash and dry the salad and leave it in a clean kitchen towel.
  3. For the Mango sauce: Peel both mangos. The smaller one cut up in small cubes and set aside in a bowl for the salad. The other one cut up in pieces. Squeeze the stones so you extract the juice and pulp that remain around them. Put this pulp with the pieces of the big mango in a food blender.
  4. Process the mango with the lime juice and ginger juice until creamy. Add the cream, 2 pinches of salt, quite a bit of sechuan pepper, the curry powder and the canola oil. Blend until very smooth and well combined. It remains quite sweet to contrats with the hot shrimps.
  5. Cooking the shrimp: In a large frying pan, over medium hot heat, add the olive oil, warm it up until hot and add the shrimp. Fry 1 minute on each side. Remove and set aside.
  6. Season the salad leaves at the last minute with olive oil, vinegar and salt to your tasting.
  7. Plating: Put some salad on the plate, add some cubed mango on top. Pour some mango sauce on the side and put 5 cooked shrimps on top. Sprinkle with a pinch of Black Hawaian Salt and a dash of freshly grated Sechuan pepper.
  8. Note - I served the salad with a puff pastry biscuit I made from cutting rounds out of very thinly rolled puff pastry that I backed until golden.
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