
Vegan Lemon Cheezecake

March 25, 2013
3 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

This is a divine zesty dairy free lemon cheezecake. It's easy to make and all you need are the ingredients, a vitamix, a food processor and a fridge. You can also replace the coconut (young coconut) with a tin of creamed organic coconut from Waitrose if you wish. I used to make this using 'cashew nuts' in the topping but find the coconut flour works far better and has a fluffier authentic classic cheesecake texture, less fattening too! You can serve this with a rasberry coulis, just blend some rasberries with a spoonful of maple syrup and some vanilla essence and a touch of raw cacao butter melted. —kirsty Hawkshaw

  • Biscuit Base
  • 1 cup dehydrated almond flour
  • 1 cup raw oat flour made from soaked oat groats
  • 1/2 cup cashew flour
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla essence
  • 1 lemon zest
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup or raw honey
  • Fluffy Lemony Topping
  • 2 lemons (Juiced)
  • 1 cup melted coconut butter
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1 young coconut (flesh of Thai coconut)
  • 1 cup coconut flour (raw)
  • 1 pinch salt
  1. First line a 9 inch cake tin with non pvc plastic wrap. Then make the base. In a food processor blend all the dry ingredients first, and then add the maple syrup. The mix should look like a crumble. Transfer the mix into the tin and press it down gently until firmly compacted. Transfer to the freezer to set.
  2. To make the topping, put the young coconut meat, the maple syrup, coconut oil and the lemon juice into a vitamix blender or highspeed blender of your choice, add a pinch of salt and the vanilla essence. Pour it into a bowl and then add the coconut flour and mix in well with a wooden spoon, the mix should resemble a light and fluffy cakey texture. Take the base out of the freezer and add the topping and smooth it over. Transfer to freezer or fridge until set. Once it is set cut it into slices and store in an airtight container. It should last up to a week if stored in a fridge.

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2 Reviews

kirsty H. March 26, 2013
hi rochelle, sorry about that I have updated the recipe with the correct amounts ;)
Rochelle F. March 25, 2013
How much maple syrup for the base?