
Blueberry-pistachio cream with white chocolate-tofu mousse

April 19, 2013
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  • Makes 6
Author Notes

Playing with tofu —MarieGlobetrotter

  • 50g pistachio
  • 150 milliliters soy milk
  • 150 milliliters soy cream
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons cane sugar
  • 80g fresh blueberries
  • 50g white chocolate
  • 100g silken tofu
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 handful blueberries
  • 1 handful pistachios
  • 2 tablespoons white chocolate
  1. Preheat oven on 350F
  2. For the pistachio cream: Ground the pistachios in your mixer. Place them in a sauce pan with the milk and the soy cream. Bring to a boil then turn off the heat completely. In another bowl, beat together egg yolks (keep the egg whites) and sugar. Add the pistachio milk, stirring constantly. Pour into individual oven bowls and add the blueberries. Cook au bain maries for 20 minutes and let cool.
  3. For the chocolate mousse: met the chocolate in a bain-marie and beat together with the tofu.
  4. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the tofu mixture. Once the creams are cooked, pour the tofu mixture on top. Set in the refrigerator for several hours.
  5. When you are ready to serve, sprinkle with blueberries, pistachio and grated white chocolate.

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