5 Ingredients or Fewer

Cardamom Ginger Infused Vodka

December 11, 2009
1 Ratings
  • Serves enough
Author Notes

Homemade infused vodka is a technique of long tradition in Scandinavia and one of the simplest drink experiments you can try in a home kitchen. Buy some good everyday vodka (Skyy or Absolut), pour it in a jar, and add fruit, berries, or herbs. —Loulies

  • 10 green cardamom pods
  • 1 1/2 cups good-quality vodka
  • 10 slices of fresh ginger, 1/4-inch thick
  1. Spread cardamom seeds on a cutting board and crush lightly with the flat broadside of a large chef's knife. Pour vodka into a 2-quart jar, and then add cardamom pods and ginger. Cover tightly with lid and shake gently. Place in a dark, cool area and shake gently every few days. After two weeks, strain infused vodka into a clean bottle. Use immediately, or allow to age further if desired.
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1 Review

Food B. December 11, 2009
Ooh, that sounds amazing. I'll have to try that as a gift to myself.