
Magical Frosting, Cross Between Swiss Buttercream and Whipped Cream Frosting

October 21, 2013
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  • Makes One 8-9 inch cake (for filling and covering)
Author Notes

If you are looking to make a frosting that is like a cross between swiss buttercream and whipped cream frosting, but you want something that is easier to make than Swiss buttercream and that is more sturdy and more warm temperature resistant than whipped cream frosting, you need to try this frosting. It is velvety smooth and light, thus similar to Swiss buttercream, yet it has less butter and less sugar. You can also make it ahead and keep refrigerated in airtight container up to 1 week. To use, let it stand at room temperature until it has softened, then beat with electric mixer on medium-high speed until light and fluffy.
Please note this recipe is a slight adaptation of "Perfect Cupcake Frosting and Filling" @ —Regine

  • 1 cup Whole Milk
  • 6 tablespoons All Purpose Flour
  • 2 Sticks (1 cup) Unsalted Butter
  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon Grated Lime Zest (it may be optional but I find that it somehow complements well with the vanilla and heightens the flavor of the frosting without necessarily turning it into a lime flavored frosting)
  • 2 tablespoons rum
  1. Whisk together the flour and the milk. Heat in a small sauce pan on low heat. Stir continuously (else the bottom might start burning) until the mixture starts to thicken. You will know it is ready when you stir and you start seeing the bottom of the pan. It may still look kind of liquidy and you may see some lumps, but that is ok. My trick is to then put the mixture in the blender and blend until smooth and lump free. It will have the texture of a soft pudding or a pudding before it has set in the refrigerator
  2. Place mixture in a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap making sure the plastic touches the surface of the pudding. Let it cool outside or in the refrigerator. You don't want it to be warm at all when you do the next steps.
  3. Using the whisk attachment of a standalone (unless you want to exercise your arms) electric cake mixer, beat the butter and sugar for 5 or more minutes until it is light and fluffy, Then while you are beating the butter mixture, gradually add the flour mixture (it must NOT be warm), then the vanilla, rum and zest. Scrape down the sides if necessary. Initially the mixture will not look too good in terms of smoothness, but don't worry. The trick will be to beat it for about 8-10 minutes on medium high. Please be patient. The not-so-smooth mixture will convert into a smooth, fluffy, silky frosting. Use in lieu of Swiss buttercream or whipped cream frosting. Should be enough to cover 24 cupcakes, or fill and cover an 8-9 inch 2 layer cake.

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14 Reviews

Regine September 3, 2018
Thanks for the tip. Next time I will add a bit of salt and the powdered sugar as suggested.
Deborah September 3, 2018
I make a similar frosting, no lemon or rum, but I do add a 1/4 to a 1/2 t. of salt to the milk and flour mixture. If you stir is as it thickens, you should not get any lumps. I normally leave it over night in the frig to cool, just let it sit on the counter while you are mixing the butter and sugar and whip on high to incorporate. Also, I find that if you add a tablespoon or so of powdered sugar, it gives it some stability as well, make sure to mix it in well.
Regine February 7, 2018
Liz, yummy. I am thinking that if you refrigerate it and let it come to room temperature before rewhipping it a bit, you should be fine. Let me know.
Liz February 7, 2018
I added strawberry purée to this today and it blended beautifully. I need this for tomorrow but had to make it today. I am praying it will survive!!
Regine December 21, 2017
I am glad Liz.
Zoie, so sorry. I cannot believe I did not read your question and that was over one year ago. I am thinking keeping the flour mixture overnight in fridge rather than removing it just after it was no longer warm, hardened the flour too much to the point that it was harder to blend it smoothly.
Liz December 21, 2017
This turned out beautifully, thank you!!
Zoie Z. July 25, 2016
I tried this recipe, had the flour mixture cool overnight and then proceeded the recipe the next day and it ended up curdling. I whipped the butter and sugar 'til fluffy, so what did I do wrong?
Regine November 15, 2013
Thanks Mrs.Mehtabel. I shall definitely try it with the brown sugar.
Regine October 24, 2013
I think you can do some "loose" piping for lack of a better expression. But if you refrigerate it for 1 hour or so, it might be eveb better. It should hold outside at room temperature, but if it is very hot it might not hold too well due to the butter. I have actually seen some recipes that use half shortening half butter since shortening is more temperature resistant. When I use this recipe, since I am not the best at piping and decorating, I just spread it using an icing spatula and then use a spoon or fork to do some drawings on the frosting.
Gail A. October 24, 2013
how is this for piping and holding up ?
Regine October 23, 2013
I would love to see your brown sugar version.
MrsMehitabel November 15, 2013
Regine, it's easy- just substitute brown sugar for the white. I don't add rum or lime, but other than that, it's pretty much the same and works just as well.
Regine October 23, 2013
MrsMehitabel, thanks so much. Check out the other recipe I posted called Caramel Custard icing. Tastes like flan combined with dulce de leche. You should still have posted yours. 0).
MrsMehitabel October 22, 2013
I hope you win! That's my recipe, too, with minor differences- but now that I see you've entered it, mine would be redundant. Have you ever made variations on this? I love it with brown sugar even more than with white- and if you caramelize some sugar, dissolve it in evaporated milk, and then use that for the milk, it tastes like flan.