
Chopped potato salad

October  4, 2022
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  • Serves 8 as a side
Author Notes

I am a potato salad addict (there, I said it) and this potato salad was always a staple brought by my Lithuanian friend to any potluck. I adopted her recipe and now it's my go-to potato salad. The recipe is very simple, with few ingredients, but a little time intensive, because you chop everything into tiny perfect squares. I find it somewhat cathartic. Also, my friend would be disappointed in me if I didn't mention that this salad is best when you use the best ingredients you can get your hands on. —enbe

  • 6 yellow (or white) potatoes
  • 6 carrots
  • 1/2 a sweet onion
  • 3 dill pickles (not the huge deli kind, the medium size jarred kind)
  • 1 can of sweet peas
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise (adjust this to your mayo preferences, you may want a bit more or a bit less)
  1. Start carrots and potatoes in cold water. Bring to a boil and cook until they can be pierced with a fork (don't overcook!). They may have slightly different cooking times. Remove them from the water and let the carrots and potatoes come to room temperature (or pop them in the fridge).
  2. Add all of the chopped ingredients to a mixing bowl along with the can of peas and the mayonnaise and give it all a good stir. Salt to taste (but usually the pickles take care of that for you). Enjoy!

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Lover of cooking, baking, and all things involving tater tots. Organizer of the Food52 Holiday Swap.

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