5 Ingredients or Fewer

Gingersnap Icebox Cake for Abbie's birthday

July  2, 2014
4 Ratings
  • Serves about 8 unless Arielle's son Henry is also there, and then all bets are off
Author Notes

Y'all know aargersi--whose real name is Abbie--she's the long time Food52er known for being fun and funny and ENTHUSIASTIC!!! Turns out she's exactly like that in real life--and as generous and sweet as she is fun and funny. She organizes Ladies Lunch here in Austin---once a month she chooses a restaurant (or food truck or picnic spot), sends out an email, and whoever can shows up, hangs out, has lunch. I found out that she recently had a birthday--a big one--(I won't tell you the number, but it starts with 5…) so we turned the tables on her and made this month's ladies lunch a birthday party. I wanted to bake a cake, but my husband begged me not to turn the oven on, so I decided on icebox cake. The local grocery store didn't have Nabisco chocolate wafers, but they did have really good ginger snaps, so ginger snap it was. I wasn't sure if they would soften overnight (they were really crunchy) so I kind of overdid it on the whipped cream, but no one seemed to mind. —drbabs

  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • juice and zest of one orange
  • 3 tablespoons confectioner's sugar (or to taste)
  • 14 ounce package of ginger snaps (I didn't count how many cookies that was; sorry)
  1. In a stand mixer fitted with a cold whisk and bowl (I refrigerated them overnight), whip the cream till it starts to thicken. Add in orange zest and powdered sugar (Use more or less sugar to your taste.) As the cream thickens, drizzle in the orange juice. You still want the cream to hold its shape, so just add it a little at a time till it tastes the way you want.
  2. Layer the cookies and whipped cream as in this article: https://food52.com/blog/7061-how-to-make-any-icebox-cake-in-5-steps My cookies were small, so i layered them in the dish like a cake or trifle and then spooned whipped cream over, making layers of cake and alternating with whipped cream. Smooth whipped cream over top. Refrigerate at least overnight before serving.

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6 Reviews

cookinginvictoria March 17, 2015
This is so sweet! Love the idea of the ladies' lunches! Wish that I lived in Austin, so that I could meet you all and break bread together. :)
drbabs March 17, 2015
I wish you did, too!
aargersi September 9, 2014
OMG I just saw this! You are the sweetest! I just warmed up a blueberry bran muffin (they freeze beautifully!) and thought "I need to go through DrBab's recipes and bake every one of them" - and here this is! Now I want some.
drbabs September 9, 2014
LOL, SURPRISE! Ask me about some of those recipes before you make them. (I tend to post things and then sometimes forget to update them if I've made adjustments…)
arielleclementine July 3, 2014
this was such a delicious treat! baby george loved it too! thanks, drbabs!!
nannydeb July 3, 2014
Known fact: Abbie is CRAZY about ginger (not just her dog, but the root too).