
Avocado-Egg(White) Salad

July 10, 2014
3 Ratings
  • Serves 1 to 2
Author Notes

One of my dad's favorite things to eat is an egg salad. Whenever I visit my parents, I make him the traditional egg salad -- soft boiled eggs, yellow onions, mayo, mustard, herbs, salt, and pepper. I never thought of trying to make it any other way until my aunt-in-law (Monica bua/aunt) asked me if I knew of any recipes for an Avocado Egg Salad. Ahh such a great idea! A healthy alternative to the traditional egg salad without all the fat from the egg yolks and mayonnaise. The avocado adds a wonderful creaminess and the Greek yogurt takes place of the mayo. Adding lime juice prevents the avocado from browning while adding a delightful tangy flavor.

So here's to my dad and Monica bua. I can't wait to make this for my dad during my next visit home and can't wait for Monica bua to make it for her lovely family. —themessimake.com

Test Kitchen Notes

Green eggs sans ham. A ridiculously easy lunch or weeknight dinner that you could make in a box with a fox. The lime took this from a ho-hum egg salad to a make-it-weekly egg salad. Tip: Add tomatoes. —Emily Tritabaugh

  • 1/2 ripe avocado (see note below)
  • Whites from 2 large hard-boiled eggs (see note below)
  • 1 green onion, chopped (about 2 tablespoons chopped green onions)
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt (plus more if needed)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed black pepper (or more or less per your taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon lime juice
  • Toast, for serving
  1. Avocado: To check for ripeness, gently squeeze the avocado with the palm of your hand. If it feels soft, then it's ripe.
  2. Hard-boiled Eggs: My favorite way of boiling eggs is to place them in a pot and submerge them in water, then cover the pot and place it on the stove on medium-high heat. Bring the water to a boil and turn off the heat, leave the pot on the stove with the lid on, and turn on the timer for 12 minutes. After the timer goes off, drain out the hot water and replace it with cold water so the eggs stop cooking. Leave the eggs in cold water for a few minutes and they'll be ready to peel and use.
  3. Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl. Using a fork, break up the avocado and boiled eggs. Mix until everything is well incorporated.
  4. Serve on a well-toasted slice of bread. My preferred method: Heat a nonstick pan on medium heat, drizzle in some extra virgin olive oil and toast one side of the bread until it's nice and golden brown, then drizzle extra virgin olive oil on the un-toasted side and then flip it over and toast until golden brown.

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