Make Ahead

Plum and Raspberry Pie

July 13, 2014
2 Ratings
  • Makes one double crust pie
Author Notes

Yes, I may have baked this pie specifically so that I could eat pie for breakfast. It's important to have your priorities straight! The leftovers made a good dessert, though.
I wanted to make plum pie because I've been reading the children's book "Each Peach Pear Plum" to my son a lot lately. It ends with "Plum pie in the sun, I spy everyone!" And all the characters look so happy eating the pie and plum pie sounds so appealing, and I realized I had never made a plum pie. So I did. I threw in a handful of raspberries because I had some that needed using. Raspberries always make baked goods even just a little bit better, in my opinion! The crust is from Joanne Chang's Flour cookbook. It's my current favorite. —fiveandspice

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  • For the crust:
  • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) cold butter, cut into chunks
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons cold milk
  • For the filling and assembly:
  • 1 recipe pie crust (above)
  • 8 ripe plums, pitted and sliced into 1 inch-thick slices (no need to peel them)
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 beaten egg, for an egg wash (I actually skipped the egg wash, but it makes the pie look nicer)
  1. For the crust:
  2. Stir the flour sugar and salt together in a medium mixing bowl. Cut in the butter chunks just until they are about the size of pecans and the flour will hold together a bit when you clump it.
  3. Whisk together the egg yolks and milk in another small bowl, then dump this into the flour mixture and stir until the dough just comes together in a shaggy mess.
  4. Turn your shaggy mess out onto a cold, un-floured work surface. Gather the dough into a tight mound, then using the palm of your hand, smear the dough down the side of the mound on each side, moving around the mound so all the dough gets smeared. This is a process called fraissage. Scrape the dough back into a mound and repeat. At this point the dough should have come together into a pretty cohesive mass streaked with butter.
  5. Gather the dough, divide it into 2 pieces with one just a bit larger than the other (the bottom crust needs to be a little larger than the top), wrap each tightly in plastic wrap and flatten them into disks. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before using.
  1. For the filling and assembly:
  2. Heat your oven to 350° F. In a large bowl, toss together the plum slices, raspberries, sugar, and cornstarch until the fruit is coated.
  3. On a well-floured work surface, roll out the larger of your crust disks into a circle that's about 12 inches across. Transfer the dough circle into a 9-inch pie pan, gently pressing it into place, and leaving a 1/4-inch lip around the edge of the pie plate.
  4. Transfer the fruit mixture into the pie plate. Roll out the other piece of dough into a circle that's about 10 inches across. Place this on top of the pie, pinch the edges together and crimp them to seal the pie. Poke some slits in the center of the pie to allow steam to escape. Freeze the pie for about 30 minutes.
  5. Put the pie on a rimmed baking sheet to catch the mess of fruit that always bubbles out (the crust sometimes leaks some butter too). Brush the top with your egg wash, if you've made one, then bake it in the center of the oven until the crust is golden brown and the fruit is bubbling (about 1 1/2 hours). Allow to cool at least one hour (and preferably more like 3 hours) before eating, to give the filling time to set. Of course, this shouldn't be a problem since you made it so you could have it for breakfast the next day anyway, didn't you?!

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7 Reviews

mela July 10, 2016
Can anyone suggest the quantity of plums by weight?
ANDREASTROBL June 30, 2015
I did this last sunday, and everyone fell in love. Thank you! Cant wait to try all of its variations
Tracy D. June 28, 2015
I just made this pie today, I cut the sugar down and its very tart. We like it very much, but don't cut back on the sugar.
Joyce June 25, 2015
Need to try a slice of plum pie, but how would I go about avoiding the raspberries?
Tracy D. June 30, 2015
Try a plum gallette instead of a pie
Jackie D. July 19, 2014
I swear to God, it has been about 25 years since I've baked a pie, but just seeing the picture of this great piece of artwork and the fact that my father-in -law had just given me raspberries and plums from his garden, I attempted the feat. It is now resting in the kitchen. I don't know if I'll resist the hour!!
fiveandspice July 20, 2014
It was clearly fate! :)