Serves a Crowd

Lox Boxty

December 16, 2014
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  • Makes 30
Author Notes

I should introduce you to the boxty, an Irish potato pancake that we discovered happens to be in love with smoked salmon as much as I do..
Perfect for the holidays!
Since we make our Holiday cards with potato stamps, there are always leftover potatoes hanging around this time of year. And with defrosted smoked salmon from the caterers, these two pair quite beautifully. —cookingwithleftovers

  • 2 large Russet potatoes, peeled
  • 1/4 cup reserved potato cooking liquid
  • 1/2 cup smoked salmon, diced
  • 1/2 egg, scrambled (don't waste the other half)
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • salt and pepper
  • oil
  1. Ok. To make the boxy, you need mashed and shredded potatoes. Peel both potatoes.
  2. Large chop one of them and put it into cold water that you bring to a boil and then simmer until the potatoes are fork tender, about 10 minutes. Reserve 1/4 cup of liquid, then drain and mash up with the water and some salt and pepper.
  3. For the other potato, shred it with your cheese shredder, then squeeze out any liquid as you move the shredded potato to the bowl of mashed potatoes.
  4. Add in the egg, flour, and lox and mix it up. Season.
  5. In a big frying pan, heat up a good drizzle of oil over medium high heat. I used my hands to make about golf ball sized amounts in the pan, squishing them down pretty flat. Sprinkle with a good amount of salt and pepper. I like my boxty pretty small so that I can eat them as a snack, instead of pancake sized.
  6. Let cook for 5 minutes or so until crispy, then flip them over and cook 5-8 minutes more. I think another flip over to the first side again for a few minutes is a good idea too..
  7. Repeat with oil and boxty. I did 4 batches and made about 30 of them. They taste great with a leftover blue cheese dressing drizzle or that leftover 1/2 egg scrambled up.
  8. Boxty and lox. Love. True love.

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