5 Ingredients or Fewer

Winter Detox Water

January 14, 2015
0 Ratings
  • Makes 1 Bottle
Author Notes

Ok, I’m back from my wonderful, gastroadventourus tuscan holiday.
Unfortunately this means: Detox (and diet!) time.
But let’s take it easy, strong impact changes never work well when we are talking about food, especially for a foodie, living in Italy and writing a FOOD blog!!!
So, first thing… WATER. —Claudia | Gourmet Project

  • 1 apple
  • 1 liter water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  1. Easy as… Slice an apple, boil 1lt of water, fill a thermos with it and add the apple and 1-2 sticks of cinnamon. In 10 minutes your WINTER DETOX WATER is ready. Go on, drink it all day long, and make more: just refill with water. Of course, 1 lt is not enough to help you expel all that turkey, pasta, chocolate, wine, etc…
  2. more on www.gourmetproject.net!

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