
(Almost) Produce Section Only Dinner

March 11, 2015
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  • Serves 4
Author Notes

A delicious four part meal that uses the same ingredients throughout to be sufficient with your food shopping purchases while also feeling full, healthy and happy —Lauren Vacca

  • 3 cups Canned Beets
  • 1/3 cup Tahini
  • 4 Portobello
  • 8 cups Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
  • 2 cups Roasted Pepper
  • 2 cups Amy's Organic Tomato Bisque Soup
  • 3 cups Brusseles Sprouts
  • 3 cups Chopped Butternut Squaash
  • 3 cups Mixed Asian Oriental Vegetable Mix
  • 2 cups Broccoli
  • 1/2 cup Chopped Red Onion
  • 1/2 cup Edamame
  • 1/2 Pecans
  • 8 tablespoons Brianna's Strawberry Dressing
  • 1/2 cup Craisns
  • 2 Large Eggplants
  • 8 ounces Ground Beef or Turkey
  • Balsamic Vinaigrette
  • Olive Oil
  • Seasoning to taste
  • 1 bunch Spring Lettuce Mix
  1. Beet Hummus with Eggplant and Crackers // Combine all ingredients in blender. Add salt & pepper to season as desired. I used the cored out eggplant (from below) and baked it in the oven at 350 to use as a dipper with the eggplant. Crackers and other vegetables are great additions as well.
  2. Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms // 1.) Cut off stems of mushrooms. 2.) Drizzle the mushrooms with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette 3.) Place mushrooms in oven for 10 minutes at 350 degrees 4.) Cut up tomatoes and stack tomato, mozzarella cheese one after the other in the mushrooms. Place a hump of cheese on the top. Trust me, don’t be stingy on the cheese. 5.) Cook for another ten minutes 6.) Add the roasted peppers on top and finish off with more mozzarella cheese. Cook for 5 minutes 7.) Smell the goodness, but don’t eat yet. With hold. Drizzle the tomato bisque soup over the beautiful stacks 8.) Garnish with parsley, Italian oregano and salt and pepper
  3. Vegetable Salad// 1.) Use large pan and drizzle olive oil on the bottom. 2.) Place the vegetables spread out in the pan. Be creative, add your favorite greens! Season with all the above seasoning. Bake for thirty minutes at 350 or until nice and soft 3.) Take 1/3 of the vegetables and place on top of the Spring Lettuce mix in desired bowl. 4.) Top with pecans, crasins and edamame and use the Brianna’s dressing
  4. Eggplant Boats // 1.) Cut the eggplants in half horizontally and core out the middle (this is where you get the eggplant to dip into the hummus, again reusing- see the theme ☺ ) 2.) Drizzle balsamic vinaigrette and olive oil on the eggplant boats. Put in oven at 350 and bake for ten minutes. These will be in while the vegetables are baking as well. 3.) In a pan, cook your chosen ground meat. Be sure to drain the oil and season with your desired seasonings. 4.) Meanwhile, add your first layer of vegetables to the eggplant boats. Put cheese on them. Bake for ten more minutes. You can still have both vegetables cooking at the same time. I just like the eggplant to absorb the first layer of vegetables 5.) With the nearly finished ground beef, evenly distribute it throughout the eggplant boats. Cook for ten more minutes. 6.) Top the last of the vegetables in the eggplants and cook for ten more minutes. 7.) Take out your finished product and drizzle your desired amount of tomato soup as well as more balsamic dressing (I’m all about the dips) 8.) Voilà, you got yourself an eggplant boat!

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