5 Ingredients or Fewer

Strawberry + Pineau Sorbet

March 17, 2015
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  • Makes about 1.5 pints
Author Notes

This sorbet is tasty, refreshing, and vegan.

About the Pineau: I used Pineau because we had some in the house, and because it represents where the Frenchman is from. (Also, it's great paired with the strawberries.) The original recipe suggests kirsch; I think any fruit brandy would work.

To make this super fancy, drop a scoop into the bottom of a tall glass, and make Champagne floats! Or drop scoops into a punch.

(Recipe adapted from David Lebovitz’s book, The Perfect Scoop.) —Cristina Sciarra

  • 1 pound (450 grams) fresh strawberries
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon Pineau
  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • a pinch of kosher salt
  1. Wash and hull the strawberries. Slice them lengthwise into a large bowl, and then add the sugar and the Pineau; stir well to coat the strawberries. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and then let the strawberries hang out for about 1 hour, until they get juicy.
  2. Move the strawberries to a blender or food processor, along with the lemon juice and the salt, and whiz them up until well pureed. At this point, you could run the mixture through a fine mesh sieve, to remove the seeds, but I sort of prefer to keep them, even if they do sometimes get stuck in my teeth.
  3. Move the sorbet base to the fridge for a few hours, until it’s super cold. Then, spin the sorbet in an ice cream machine, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

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Cristina is a writer, cook, and day job real estate developer. She studied literature, holds an MFA in Fiction Writing, and completed the Basic Cuisine course at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. She lives in Jersey City with her husband--a Frenchman she met in Spain--and their sweet black cat, Minou. Follow her writings, recipes, publications and photography at theroamingkitchen.com.

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