Pressure Cook

Mal's Sundal (Black Garbanzo Bean Salad)

March 19, 2015
3 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

Sundal is a classic beach snack in Chennai and served in newspaper cones. It is made with dried green peas and flavoured with coconut (thenga) and green mango ( mango) . It is usually called thenga , manga , pattani(peas) sundal.

This is my mom's version made with black garbanzo beans and flavoured with coconut, green mango and green chillies. It is a slightly spicy version and pairs well with a sweet dish(Carrot Halwa) to serve as a snack . —Kris

  • 1 cup dried black garbanzo beans or kala channa
  • 2 Serrano chillies or Jalapenos ( de-seed them if you want less heat)
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen shredded coconut
  • 1 teaspoon Black Mustard Seeds
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 Green mango chopped
  • 1/2 bunch roughly 1/4 cup cilantro leaves ( washed)
  1. Wash, rinse and soak the Garbanzo beans(kala channa) overnight in 2 cups of water.
  2. Drain any remaining water and rinse once more. Add about a cup of water and a teaspoon of salt and pressure cook the channa for 5-6 whistles. Alternately you can boil them on the stove top or use an electric or slow cooker.
  3. Chop Green mango into small pieces. About 1 cm cube. It is best if the green mango is tangy and sour . It will also work if it is a little sweet . This is the perfect season for green mangoes.
  4. Grind the coconut, cilantro leaves and chillies with required amount of water. Remove the seeds if you prefer less heat. Alternately, you can grind the chillies with the seeds separately from the coconut and add it in parts, stopping when it's too spicy.
  5. Take the oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds . Turn the heat on high and let the seeds splutter. When they start to splutter, turn the heat to medium low. After they have done spluttering, add the green mango, green chilli-coconut mixture and about 1/4 teaspoon of salt .( Add the salt in two additions while tasting in between) Let it cook it for 3-4 minutes and then turn off the heat. The chillies should lose the raw flavour and the green mango should get cooked just a bit but not become soft.
  6. Add the channa or black garbanzo beans and toss well to coat . Taste and add a few pinches of salt if required and serve.
  7. Notes: You can use regular garbanzo beans if you cant find this variety. You can also try it with whole dried green peas.

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