
Heidi's steak and potatoes

May 18, 2015
0 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

I use kikkoman soy sauce(light) and garlic powder(not salt).There is still lots of salt in the soy sauce.This was a rib eye steak. —Heidi Rousseau

  • Tablespoon steak cooked the way you like.
  • Tablespoon baked potato w/sour cream
  • frozen corn?1/2 CUP
  1. i cooked my steak in a steak pan with ridges. Added soy and garlic to the steak and let it sit on the counter for about 5 min. reheat the baked potato in the microwave and then heat the corn separately in a glass 1/2 cup,(a measuring cup will do).Be careful the corn will be hot!! Add a piece of garlic toast and the meal is complete and ready to serve

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