
the French Sourdough, Pain de Campagne

June  2, 2015
3 Ratings
  • Makes 2 Large Loafs
Author Notes

A typical french country bread using rye flour. Great for pate, meat and sandwiches....a proud all round player. —nana.maki

  • 500 grams Bread Flour (80%)
  • 125 grams Rye Flour (20%)
  • 12.5 grams Salt (2%)
  • 6.25 grams Dry Yeast (1%)
  • 375 grams Water (60%)
  1. Unless you are using a yeast specifically instructed without need for pre-fermentation, mix the dry yeast and let it dilute and ferment in warm water for about 15 minutes before use.
  2. 1. Mix the bread flour, rye flour and salt. If you are using dry yeast, not required pre-fermentation, add the dry yeast at this point. If you are using fresh yeast, dissolve the fresh yeast into the water before use. 2. Pour the water into the flour and using a dredge (cutting card), mix to blend the water into the flour. 3. Once the water starts to slowly soak into the flour mixture, by cutting the edge (about 3-5cm each) of the dough – place it on top of the dough – repeat this process numerous times to completely letting the water dissolve into the flour, forming a complete dough. Use may use your hand to assist to do this, although making sure that your do not ‘knead the dough’ at this point.
  3. 4. Cover the dough with plastic to prevent it from drying and let it rest for 30 minutes in room temperature.
  4. 5. Place the dredge underneath the dough and fold up and over to the top, like you are folding a square origami flower. Repeat this process until the entire dough is well combined. Place the dough on a smooth working table and stretch the dough rubbing down, repeating this process for about 20~30 times.
  5. 6. (LOW TEMPERATURE FERMENTATION) Leave the dough in a plastic container at 4~6C for approx. 10〜24 hours.
  6. 7. Leave the dough to restore it back to room temperature.
  7. 8. Dough size 350g〜400g  Flour the bread-board, removing the dough from the container using a dredge or cutting card, making sure your are not damaging the dough.  (Try to) Leave the dough in a rectangular shape and using a dredge or cutting card, cut the dough into the required shape/weight.  The more perfect the rectangular shape (in one go!)it will be easy to handle as you proceed. Dough size 350g〜400g, rectangular shape.  Let the dough rest for approx. 10~20minutes. Prevent from the surface to dry.  Pull the dough diagonally to a rectangular or square shape of approx. 20cm. Fold the 1/3 of the dough, picking up the north east/west corner. Fold the 1/3 of the dough, picking up the south east/west corner. Fold the 1/3 of the dough, picking up the west north/south corner. Fold the 1/3 of the dough, picking up the east north/south corner. The dough should become a folded layered (small bun like) dough. Now, fold the surrounding dough to the epicenter; wrapping the dough inwards as to form a circular dome; tightly pinching the seams you're your fingers closing off any gaps. Place the dough on a lightly floured board, rotating the dough to produce a surface tension.
  8. 9. Place the dough onto a banneton (basket) with the closed off seam facing up, at 28~30C/60min~90min.
  9. 10. Using a sharp blade cut a coupé along the top surface.
  10. 11. *Need a stainless steel cover for baking. If you have a gas oven like I have, preset the oven to 250C/cover the dough with a stainless steel cover and bake at 250C/10minutes/manually inserting steam (hot water of 50cc) onto a plate of hot rock (like a steam sauna set up), 230C/10minutes and without the cover for 230C/10minutes.

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2 Reviews

Dodie September 20, 2017
How is this sourdough? This is using commercial yeast. You could at least provide instruction using starter, especially since the title is the French SOURDOUGH. It's frustrating when searching for sourdough recipes and the author uses no starter and yet calls their recipe sourdough. Ugh.
Stephanie T. December 21, 2022
Thank you! I just about noted the exact same thing.