
Lard and Bacon Fat Biscuits AKA Bacon GreaseĀ Biscuits

July 25, 2015
0 Ratings
Photo by Anna Kathryn Butler
  • Makes 12-15 biscuits
Author Notes

There is (historically) nothing unique about using lard and bacon fat to help AP flour and buttermilk come together into a drool-worthy roll-out biscuit. However, the crisp, unctuous flake developed by baking these animal fats is far and away more decadent and satisfying than your plain Jane butter-based or even plainer Jane straight buttermilk biscuit. Using near-puff pastry-like rolling precision, you'll find that the endless flaky layers will be the stuff of dreams.

This recipe makes 12-15 biscuits, and can easily be altered to a mini-biscuit recipe. While the recipe calls for a 3-inch round cookie cutter, for mini-biscuits, use a 1 to 1 1/2-inch round. Bake at 425-degrees F for only 8-10 minutes, or until a deep golden brown on top. —AK Butler

  • 5 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 1 1/2 cups buttermilk
  • 1 large egg (room temperature)
  • 10 ounces pork lard (chilled)
  • 2 ounces rendered bacon fat (chilled)
  • 3 tablespoons salted butter
  • flour, for rolling out dough
  1. Preheat oven to 425-degrees F. Sift dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar) into a large mixing bowl. With a whisk, mix together ingredients thoroughly.
  2. In a small mixing bowl, whisk the egg together with the buttermilk. Set aside.
  3. Slice chilled lard over the sifted dry ingredients. Using your hands, combine lard with dry ingredients until lentil-sized lumps are formed throughout the dough and no large lumps of fat remain.
  4. Using a spatula, fold egg and buttermilk into the fat and dry ingredients mixture until just combined.
  5. Spread a thin dusting of flour over a flat surface to roll out the biscuits. Using a rolling pin, smooth dough into 3/4-inch-thick rectangle. Fold dough in half, and turn 90-degrees to roll dough into 3/4-inch thickness. Repeat 4 times, or until dough becomes firmer and more elastic. With dough rolled to a 3/4-inch-thickness, use a 3-inch round to cut out indiviual biscuits. Place onto an ungreased baking sheet (Silpat preferable). Expect 12-15 biscuits.
  6. Melt butter in microwave or over medium-high heat on stovetop. Using a pastry brush, coat the tops of the biscuits with butter.
  7. Bake biscuits for 13-15 minutes, or until biscuits are a deep golden brown on top.
  8. Serve immediately with favorite fixins - from more butter to strawberry preserves to fried chicken breast topper.

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1 Review

Jackie L. January 30, 2021
How much sugar?
It says to whisk the dry ingredients (including sugar) in directions.