
Peach and Meyer Lemon Hand Pies

July 28, 2015
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Photo by Mallory Mitchell
  • Serves 10+
Author Notes

A great use of lemons and the perfect snack food for the afternoon backyard bbq! —Mallory Mitchell

  • 2 cups Chopped Peaches
  • 1/4 cup Brown Sugar
  • 4 Lemons (juiced)
  • 1 Pre-Made Pie Crust
  • 2 pinches Granulated Sugar
  1. Start off by slowly boiling your peaches. I kinda just winged this mix with a few cups of cubed peaches, about 1/4 cup brown sugar and 3-4 juiced lemons. As that boils you can roll out your dough.
  2. We made ours from scratch (based off this fab Martha Stuart recipe) but if you don’t feel like doing that, any store bought crust will do. I like to use pie crust for this because it’s got a more buttery texture and it’s easier to roll out than a flakey pastry dough.
  3. When you’ve got a nice flat surface of dough to work with you’ll want to cut out your circles. I winged it again just using a bowl I had handy at the time (flipping it over then tracing with a knife) you can also free hand a circle or use a pasta cutter.
  4. Lightly egg wash each circle when they are cut.
  5. When the peach mix has been boiled down enough to where you get a nice gooey texture take it off and let it cool for about 10 mins then start dropping about 1-2 tbsp into the middle of each circle dough cutout.
  6. From there just flip over one side of the cutout to make a half moon shape and press the edges together.
  7. Slice a few air holes in the top to make sure the pastry doesn’t explode on itself then finish it off with some sprinkled granulated sugar.
  8. Throw these bad boys into the oven at 350 for about 10-15 mins or until the dough gets that nice golden coloring. Let them cool for a few mins (if you can stand to wait) then voila! You’ve got yourself some great summer afternoon snacks. The thing I love about hand pies is you can sub out that peach-lemon mix with any types of fresh fruits. Go with cherries in the spring or apples in the fall!

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