
Sauce de Julian

October  4, 2022
2 Ratings
  • Makes 1 cup (approximately)
Author Notes

I created this sauce as one of my first adventures in real cooking to go with poached salmon. I invited my mother over to my first apartment for lunch. My mother was an excellent cook and I wanted to impress her. She was. I have since served it with salmon cakes, crab cakes, catfish, tilapia, pretty much any fish you can think of. I never measure, so my estimates here can be adjusted. I named it Sauce de Julian after a 14th century church anchoress and mystic, Julian of Norwich, whom I like very much and who said, "All shall be well and all shall be well and all shall be well," a delightful idea. The sauce goes well with fish. If I fail to make it with every fish I cook, my daughters reprimand me. It is so very simple, but so good. —Dana R Casey

  • 3/4 cup mayonnaise
  • Hot sauce to taste (around 6-7 healthy shakes
  • 2-3 tablespoons dill (fresh or dry, more for fresh)
  • 2 garlic cloves mashed (or powdered garlic if none fresh available)
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  1. Mix together and refrigerate for several hours. I usually add enough hot sauce to turn the mixture salmon pink.

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