
Vegan Crispy All-Purpose Teacookies

November  3, 2015
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Photo by Sophie S.
  • Makes 2 trays of smallish cookies
Author Notes

This is a recipe I adapted from 告诉你,饼干!or "The Secret Of Cookies" by Gu Huixue. A milk tea cookie recipe caught my eye and I've been interested in vegan baking for a while so I thought I'd try changing it up a bit! I cut them out with cat cookie cutters, aren't they cute. Disclaimer: not sure whether these are completely healthy or not, but they definitely veer towards the "good for you" side more than usual cookies do. Plus, they taste good AND guilt-free... yay!
These cookies are crispy on the outside, slightly crumbly and tender at the centre but are still sturdy enough to make you feel satisfied. They are plain and simple, but interesting enough to take another bite: you get little buttery and floral hints of vanilla, coconut, and tea. I call them all-purpose because they go with literally anything-- tea or coffee or milk, etc.. I dialled down the tea flavour just a notch so that all the different flavours meld into one. If you want the tea flavour to stand out you can add more tea and let it steep for longer, but I like it subtle so that I can keep eating them forever without getting a weird feeling in my nose! (haha!)
If you want to make these gluten-free, a gluten-free flour blend would work here too. Enjoy! —Sophie S.

  • Chia (or Flax) Egg
  • 1 tablespoon Ground Chia Seeds (or Flax Seeds)
  • 3 tablespoons Water
  • Teacookies
  • 50 grams soy milk (you can use nut milk etc. too)
  • 5 grams loose black tea leaves
  • 150 grams coconut oil, softened but still solid
  • 100 grams icing sugar
  • 1 chia egg
  • 60 grams almond meal
  • 200 grams all-purpose flour
  1. Chia (or Flax) Egg
  2. Before you start, mix the chia with water in a small bowl or cup, and set aside in the fridge for 15 minutes until it has a goopy consistency. (I used a pepper grinder to grind my chia seeds and it worked out fine!)
  1. Teacookies
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius/355 degrees fahrenheit.
  3. In a small saucepan, heat the milk and tea leaves until almost boiling, then cover and let steep for 10 minutes, and then strain your milk tea. Leave to cool while you mix the other ingredients.
  4. In a bowl, combine the all-purpose flour and the almond meal.
  5. In another medium-sized mixing bowl, combine the coconut oil and the icing sugar, stirring with a spatula thoroughly.
  6. Mix the chia egg and the cooled milk tea into the coconut oil mixture.
  7. Stir in the flour mixture in 2-3 batches until well combined into a dough.
  8. Cover and refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes.
  9. After chilling, roll the dough out to a thickness of about 0.5 to 1 cm depending on how thick you like your cookies. Cut them out however you want! Place onto a baking tray.
  10. Bake for +-17 minutes until golden-brown at the edges-- less if you like them softer and more tender, more if you like them crisper and crunchier, it's your cookie your call! :D
  11. Enjoy warm and with a nice beverage of choice. Keeps for a couple of days but are at their best within the first two or three days.

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