Make Ahead

Aunt T's Vanilla Pudding

April  7, 2010
4 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

My mother made this pudding often and I remember waiting impatiently for it to be finished, but I knew once I smelled the Mexican vanilla (which is the secret to this recipe) that the pudding was almost done. This recipe was my grandmother's recipe and I love it! It's sinfully rich and wonderfully smooth! Nobody makes pudding from scratch anymore and it's one of the easiest and most satisfying dishes to make. Enjoy! —Texas chicki

  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 5 tablespoons Cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 4 cups Milk 1%, Whole milk - depends on your preference
  • 6 Large Egg Yolks, slightly beaten
  • 4 tablespoons Unsalted Butter - room temp
  • 2 teaspoons Mexican Vanilla
  1. Mix sugar, cornstarch, & salt together in a large saucepan or dutch oven. In a separate bowl whisk milk & eggs thoroughly and add to the sugar mixture. Cook on med- Hi heat stirring constantly until mixture thickens and bubbles. Turn off heat and stir in butter and vanilla. While the pudding is still hot put plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the pudding and up the sides of the pot. This will prevent a skin forming on the pudding and causing lumps.

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3 Reviews

Sandra V. December 28, 2014
12 28 14 just made this recipe in my ninja cooking pot and I think It is wonderful. My husband loves it.
Texas C. April 7, 2010
I get my Mexican vanilla from the clear and the dark vanilla are both good.
AntoniaJames April 7, 2010
You're so right about puddings . . . . I made some chocolate pudding a few months ago when we had over for dinner a family friend -- a teenager who is very "particular" about what he eats -- who just loved it. (Everyone else enjoyed it, too!!) I'll have to run down the Mexican vanilla. Thanks for that tip, and for posting this great recipe! ;o)